Thursday, April 5, 2018

Liberals Destroy Liberals

It's always nice when news stories have a common theme to them. Here's an interesting news piece out of Florida, thanks to the Florida DNC.
A Florida Democratic National Committee (DNC) member resigned on Wednesday after other officials — including his wife — denounced his use of the term “colored people.”
Not only did the Democrats impulsively turn on their own, but his own wife did as well! There's a reason that the Anonymous Conservative made his symbol for r-selected people the rabbit, who will happily graze next to the corpse of his fallen brother. While they will abandon any principle and overlook the crimes and unconscionable behaviors of their fellow lefties, don't confuse their double standards with loyalty. They are not, by their nature, loyal. They are ideological. They act in whatever manner benefits The Cult, and will sacrifice anyone to the wolves if there is some benefit to be gained.

I love reading stories of the left eating their own. It confers all the indulgent superiority that bored homebodies get from watching The Jerry Springer Show, plus a heaping serving of petty vengeance. If there isn't a blog or forum dedicated just to sharing stories of the left eating their own, we should start one.

This story is a wonderful fable of the absolute landmine that is modern mainstream discourse. Observe the maze white liberals must navigate in addressing their exceptionally pigmented brethren.

The preferred term: people of color.
Unacceptable "Jim Crow terminology" / hate speech: colored people.
Foremost black advocacy organization: the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

Which is more fun, watching white liberals struggle to navigate the verbal slalom of modern political correctness, or seeing them burned for a perceived transgression? Both are more entertaining than, say, watching baseball. They're too caught up in their own egos to grasp the message sent by the conjunction of the various rules: anything you say is racist, whitey, so keep quiet. Will we one day see a liberal demoted for simply enunciating the full name of the NAACP? I sure hope so. That would be like seeing a grand slam in the world series.

The other news story is one all the readers here are probably aware of, which was the shooter at Yahoo headquarters. Initially there was a swarm of lefty commentary about how the shooter was surely a right-wing lunatic lashing out against YouTube's suppression of gun videos and conservative voices. I guess it would make sense, in the way that Islamists shooting up the Charlie Hedbo offices made sense. But then, after generating the imagery of the hateful shooter in their minds, they were confronted with the reality that the shooter was in fact a brown-skinned Muslim Peta-activist feminist vegan woman. To the absolute goddess. If you enjoy watching irony play out in real time, it doesn't get much better than this.

We're at the point where conservative Americans would be justified in storming the propaganda outlets by force. But this wasn't the work of right-wing reactionaries. (Much to the relief of the YouTube employees, who all will go home to their families.) A fringe lefty shooting up the joint makes no sense at all. But it doesn't have to. She's was mad that some YouTube policies were costing her money (as I understand it.) So she went postal. And we have yet another shooting by an unhinged leftist. No wonder liberals want gun control. They're afraid of other armed liberals!

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