Thursday, September 21, 2017

Something Suspicious in Sweden

Open threats of Islamic terror, and government inability to handle it, is the new normal in multicultural Europe.

The Swedish government let in half a million third-world Muslims and now declares, "Only you can prevent terror attacks." It's not just that the message betrays the governments' inability to handle the mess it created, but it's not genuine. Image the scenario.

Government: Report to police if you see something suspicious.
Concerned Swede: Hi, I'd like to report something suspicious. I'm seeing hordes of foreign invaders in nearly every city. Many are openly hostile to Swedish laws and customs.
Government: You have been sentenced to 10 years for hate think. Your cellmate will be Ahmed. Try not to be racist. We will now increase refugee welfare.

Another scenario.

Swede: I'd like to report a suspicious person.
Police: Can you describe the suspect?
Swede: The suspect is human.
Police: Race?
Swede: There is only one race; the human race.
Police: Gender?
Swede: I cannot assume someone's gender.
Police: Name?
Swede: Revealing the name may stoke right-wing extremism against a protected ethnicity.
Police: Thank you for your report, you are a model citizen. **explosions in background**

You almost feel inclined to start rooting for the Muslim invaders. The Swedes deserve to lose their country at this point.

1 comment:

  1. The economic collapse cannot come fast enough, no funny money, no welfare state. What will save Europe is the collapse of Fiat Currencies.
