Monday, September 25, 2017

TDS Grows Stronger

In the 2016 election cycle, we were shocked, but also delightfully entertained, by a phenomenon known as Trump Derangement Syndrome, or TDS. While we despair that such a significant portion of the voting public is highly irrational, watching Trump trigger lefties, often through innocuous action, was a thing of beauty. There has been a hope, but also a fear, that after taking office the opposition would observe that the hysteria wasn't very realistic, and TDS would wane, and the next four years would be kind of boring.

We now observe, regretfully but also gleefully, that TDS is here and stronger than other. The big news over the weekend was that Trump tweeted that the US flag and national anthem should be respected. (More specifically, that NFL players who kneel during the anthem should be fired.) The response has been the normal media fake outrage coupled with statements of condemnation from sports-world celebrities.

Yes, the president of the USA is being condemned for defending the symbols of the USA. He's doing his job. It as if the Pope was being condemned for stating the Cross should be respected. (Not that the current Pope would say anything like that.) As the leader of the country, making any statement other than the symbols of the nation should be respected would be a dereliction of duty. It would be treasonous. What's expected, it seems, is Merkelesque hatred for one's own country. The new norm is Obama apology tours. White nations and white leaders are expected to grovel in self-hatred. White people who aren't self-hating are called racists or white supremacists. Think about that.

Also amusing is the media now bandying about some poll that said something like 2/3 of the American public think Trump is a divisive figure. Which is amusing coming from the mainstream media, who have for two years now portrayed Trump as a racist, misogynist, anti-Semitic, Russian traitor, without a shred of evidence. The poll is just as much an indictment on the lugenpresse as it is on Trump's tweeting habits. Poll: 2/3 of Americans believe what they've been brainwashed to believe. To the extent he is divisive, he is clearly dividing American into two camps. Those who are openly hostile to America, its symbols, and its history, and those who are not.

1 comment:

  1. Nice dig at the current Pope. Hate the White Privilege Scam and those self hating whites. Are we ever going to believe in polls again?
