Sunday, November 5, 2017

Mothers Build Nations

The alt-right has a tendency to be male-oriented. This has less to do with sexism and more to do with the fact that it is a reactionary movement against a gynocentric liberal orthodoxy that treats men as inherently evil and flawed. Thus, we spend a lot of time making arguments that are verboten by the Cult, such as evidence that the income gap arises from biology not bigotry, or that children raised without fathers have remarkably reduced odds for social mobility. We don't spend a lot of time arguing in favor of the value of women because the current culture values women. There's not much to argue about. Still, it's worth keeping in mind the vital role that women play, and that without them our movement is doomed to whither and die.

Ideologically, we are mostly concerned with order. There are three major pillars of western civilization: freedom, justice, and order. The left is obsessed with justice, and the right with freedom. Order is ignored in the left/right paradigm. The alt-right is here to remind everyone that order is essential, and that the old social orders existed for a reason. Western civilization requires all its pillars in place and in proportion. Runaway justice leads to communism. Runaway freedom leads to anarchy, which is why we beat up on libertarians so much. Runaway order leads to fascism, which might explain why they are so quick to call us fascists, for daring to pay attention to the need for order at all. These aren't theoretical postulates; history provides all necessary empiricism for justice, freedom, and order gone wild.

The notion that the old social orders matter implies much of the alt-right platform. Families matter. Culture matters. Nations matter. Alt-right is a loose term, but nationalism is always assumed. We reject the multi-cultural experiment and posit that civilizations are built on the backs of nations. We note the historical precedent that destruction of the nation proceeds collapse of the society, and suspect that there's no magic in post-modernism which alleviates the causality.

It's been said that civilization is men's attempt to impress women. Whatever the motives, civilization is certainly built by men. Even today, when every college and corporation is desperate to hire women engineers, the vast majority remain male. Men may build civilizations, but women's role is even more important: they build nations. The key distinction between male and female is that sperm are plentiful and eggs are rare. Men are valuable but expendable. Women must be protected. If a tribe lost most of its men, it would still have a shot at survival. It would be highly subject to invasion, resource shortages, and rampant catfighting, but if it could solve those problems the tribe might restore itself in a single generation. A tribe that lost most of its women would be permanently reduced. Perhaps the men could steal women from a neighboring tribe, but at the cost of greatly altering their own tribe's genetics.

Not only are women essential for maintaining genetic identity, but they also steer the culture of the nation. Values and psychological attributes are largely established by five years of age. Thus, culture is built by mothers. Without women on board, even strong cultural movements are not likely to survive more than a generation. Women are also social creatures, more so than men, and have high influence on social dynamics. It's always important to have women supporting whatever it is you're trying to sell. (Every successful band is aware of this.)

If nationalism is the goal, women are the solution. Men can't build nations. Only women can do that. To succeed, we must strive to bring at least as many women as men into the fold. Fortunately, there is a fairly successful technique for making women conservative: marry them. Adacious Epigone has shown that, while women are much more likely than men to vote for socialist policies overall, married women vote about the same as men, whereas single women vote massively for the left. And this makes sense. The left values woman as individuals, woman as consumers, and women as political entities. The right values women as mothers and nation builders. Single women vote for policies that benefit the individual. Married women vote in the interests of family and nation.

The number one rule that men of the alt-right need to keep in mind is something their mothers probably taught them a long time ago: don't hit girls. Some openly suggest we should eliminate women's suffrage, based on the observation that socialist policies reliably followed women's suffrage by about fifteen years in western countries. Perhaps they have a point, but that is no way to make the kinds of friends we need to make. Attacking our prominent women won't get us anywhere either. Vox Day dismisses Lauren Southern as "a blonde who says obvious shit." Of course she says obvious shit; she's alt-right! Most of what we do is just to note the observations that we aren't supposed to note. It needn't be complicated. Really he's probably just annoyed that a journalist is getting more attention than an intellectual. The alt-right has no shortage of core intellectuals. It's success hinges on effective social engagement. To the extent that the alt-right helped elect Trump, it wasn't through syllogisms, but through memes. That was the key insight that powered a radically successful guerrilla social media campaign. Let's not force ourselves to relearn old lessons. Other thinkers like to punch at our social assets. The Zman loves to jab at Gavin and Milo, even though their social reach dwarfs his own respectable following. Of course the social activists will garner a greater social response than dry intellectuals. That is normally the case in any social movement. Complaining about it seems a bit immature, even selfish.

When it comes to women, we should err on the side of shameless promotion. There are many great women who produce content we should be sharing. The Cult does everything in its power to make women fearful of the alt-right. The most effective counter is to make sure the women of the alt-right have as much exposure as possible. Here are a few, presented in no particular order. I'll update any notable omissions.

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