Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The Prophecy of the Triggering

Apologies for the slow output. I've had a computer issue.

One of the lessons we've learned in the last couple years that would should make sure not to forget is that antagonizing the left is a worthy goal in and of itself. We learned the lesson from many angles. Writers like Vox Day theorized that leftists always project. Thus, their constant insults and and accusations reveal their own weaknesses. Trump goaded the media into producing massive media coverage for himself, fueling his presidential victory. The heroic autists of 4chan showed that the left couldn't be reasoned with, but memes carried enormous persuasion potential. Their recent "It's Okay to be White" campaign has been brilliant. These are the key lessons to take away from the wildly successful and highly unexpected emergence of the non-establishment right.

The media attack Trump for being petty. I sometimes feel inclined to agree with them. There was recently a video where Trump met with children of the White House Press Corps. I believe they were dressed up for Halloween. He spent most of the time berating the press. A couple jabs were okay, but it seemed excessive. I'm not much for politicizing children, and after things like that you can understand why some people dislike him.

More recently, Trump took the opportunity to hijack a ceremony honoring Amerindian military veterans to jab at Elizabeth Warren for crafting a fake Indian ancestry to get employment advantage. He's not wrong to do so, but at that particular time, it seems a little crude. And that's the difference between regular people, and Trump, who seems to act on a whole different level.

Shortly after the election, Anonymous Conservative - who analyzes politics through psychology and the effect of the brain's amygdala - predicted that in the coming months liberals' amygdalae would become so agitated that many would only find relief by dropping out of politics altogether. He also suggested that Trump would become increasingly popular through his term and that by the 2020 election many would have no memory that they were ever rabidly opposed to his candidacy. The strategy he proposed was to keep relentlessly driving away at their amygdalae. If I were Trump, I would have relented. I wouldn't be able to make those constant petty jabs. He does. He's the relentless madman. And it's working. Here was Keith Olbermann's tweet right after the incident.

He's quitting! Of course he makes an excuse, but this doesn't end Trump, who has referred to Warren as Pocahontas many times already. This hasn't ended his presidency; it's ended a rival. Olbermann is a liberal nut job and has been increasingly unhinged in the last view months. Someone made a collage a while back of his tweets, and it's just manic profanity, beneath even the dignity of this lowly blog to publish. We've been expecting him to snap. Well, now he's quitting. AnonCon was right. And so was Trump. His insults seem unnecessary, but only when you don't understand how this political war is being waged at a psychological level. Whether Trump is intentionally shorting their circuits or he just comes at this naturally is immaterial. The results are the same either way.

Here's another example from today.

When Pelosi and Schumer didn't attend a meeting called by the president to discuss North Korea's latest display of nuclear aggression, he re-arranged the chairs so that their seats would be clearly visible on the television broadcast. Can you imagine McCain or Romney pulling such a stunt? Of course not, which is why they lost to a limp-wristed communist. Was it childish? Pelosi sure thinks so.

Trump made sure everyone knew that Pelosi and Schumer skipped the meeting, then Pelosi turned around and made sure everyone knew that Ryan and McConnell attended. What a dunce! To most of his supporters, the fact that he'd relegate Ryan and McConnell to "props" is just icing on the cake. The cost of all this? Trump appears petty. Okay, so be it. But that's nothing new. And it's a relief. Because they said he was a Nazi. Compared to Nazi, petty is pedestrian.

Being petty costs Trump nothing. He is driving his enemies to defeat, at almost no cost. He drives them mad and saturates their bandwidth. In the latest Project Veritas video (consider donating to them this Christmas season) a Washington Post employee admitted on hidden camera that the organization is constantly distracted from other things by it's need to respond to Trump. This is insider confirmation that Trump is indeed Saturating the Media Bandwidth. The media is the primary weapon of the left and they are hindered from their agenda of destroying America because they just can't stop spewing Trump hatred, and he keeps handing them all the petards they can get their hands on. So far the prophesy is holding up nicely. He is driving his opponents off the field entirely.

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