Friday, October 27, 2017

Wall Street Befuddled Over NFL

At long last, I am able to give financial advice in the form of a Jeff Foxworthy joke, thanks to CNBC coverage of the NFL's falling ratings.

The advice:
If your stock broker is befuddled over falling NFL ratings, you might need a new stock broker.
Of course, we know what happened. The NFL became a platform for anti-American protests. Highly patriotic football fans became highly disgusted. It's such simple cause and effect we can't fathom how anyone, especially city bigwigs who specialize in understanding market forces, could miss it. And yet they assert that the ratings falls were caused by concussions, or the internet, or competing programming. It's eyes wide shut with them. They refuse to acknowledge the social forces at play.

Many people have analyzed this, but it's worth walking through again, for anyone who might have missed it.

Blacks and whites in America are nearly two different nations. We still have plenty of common. Indeed, we don't see many white moving back to Europe (much as Hillary supporters promised they would) and we certainly don't see blacks moving back to Africa. Still, the differences exceed the variation of what could be termed a nation.  A nation is defined by shared genetics, culture, language, and values. White is the default culture in America, and blacks intentionally separate themselves from it. They speak differently, they act differently, they walk differently, they have different interests. They social signal through different brands and products. Think of how often you see a vehicle and you know it's black-owned before you are able to view the driver. We do it without even thinking about it. A lot of the black counter culture is natural (people are largely ruled by their genetic programming) and a lot of it is intentional. Blacks want their own identity. The alt-right approves of this kind of behavior. It is the source of true diversity, and it complies with our values of national self-determinism and organic societies.

Much of what separates the alt-right from nearly everyone else is the realization that genes matter. It may sound trivial, but the notion is absolute heresy in the mainstream prog cult, where each individual is a "blank slate" whose outcomes are steered only by social forces. And thus, if outcomes are disparate, there must be societal oppression! Anyone present on American soil is by definition a full-fledged member of the American nation. (The "Magic Dirt" theory.) Differences in language, culture, psychologies, and values can be approximately ignored. Much of the friction between the alt-right and the rest, and the reason they call us so many mean names, is that we like to point out inconvenient observations that challenge the one-nation belief.

The observations come from everywhere. People of all races tend to live amongst themselves. They tend to prefer schools and neighborhoods where they are the majority. Social media studies have underscored just how self-segregated we are. White people have mostly white friends. Black people have mostly black friends.

The one place in all of America where we can pretend we're all one nation is on the football field. Think of all the Hollywood movies where the desegregated students are able to unite on the gridiron. Well, there's truth to that! It's a group identity, with shared values and goals, and a shared culture, that tends to replace other identities, at least temporarily. [This is also true in the military, where there is vast racial diversity yet a surprising lack of racial tension. In my unit we cracked racist jokes all the time. That's something you can only do when there is so little racial tension you don't have to worry about everyone getting offended.] In football, we could pretend we were all, at the end of the day, one nation, with shared values. No wonder the games adopted quasi-religious rituals, like the pre-game national anthem. No wonder some people become so emotionally attached to the league. It's a bubble where they feel the warm glow of tribal identity and unity.

It has been increasingly hard to suspend reality to maintain the illusion. The league is highly corporate and the players barely represent America anymore. It is dominated by blacks (who only comprise about a tenth of the general population) and they hardly give effort to portraying American ideals and have amassed an impressive cumulative rap sheet. Everyone looks the other way. In college they frequently engage in campus sexual assaults. Everyone looks the other way. Their transgressions are ignored because they, well for one they bring in big money, but even more importantly they are members of the priestly caste, and thus normal rules don't apply. They are protected by the one-nation bubble.

When players protest the anthem, they take a big stick and pop their protective bubble. A lot of people don't understand why the reaction to the protest has been so strong. But they fail to comprehend the social dynamic happening here. Players protesting is a HUGE deal in the context of the NFL's role as national church service, and incredibly stupid for players who have been granted ridiculous amounts of money, status, and liberty for providing an hour of entertainment sixteen weeks a year. Black protests are a way of reminding whitey that we aren't, actually, one nation, that blacks have great grievances with white America, and they don't really want to be associated with us. The grievances are fictional, but the sentiment is real.

Kneeling during the national prayer is like a priest refusing communion to the bulk of his congregation for their sins. Priests don't ever do that because they are in the business of keeping the pews full. The NFL is learning that the hard way.

The popped bubble can't be restored, not to where it was anyway. I could never go see Citizen Twain again and see the Mark Twain illusion, rather than just Val Kilmer being pompous. A lot of fans can never watch the NFL again and believe the one-nation illusion. The ratings drops are not temporary, even if the NFL handles it masterfully from here out. (Which they won't, because they're infected with liberalism.) If your investor can't comprehend this, then they are blind to the social forces that can affect your portfolio. They can run the numbers but they can't see the bigger picture. It's the big picture that's important! That's how you avoid the black swan events, like the dot com crash of the late nineties or the housing bubble crash of the late two thousand aughts. If your broker doesn't understand why morphing into a left-wing political entity will destroy an otherwise productive enterprise, find another broker! Make that your litmus test. Otherwise you put your financial well-being in the hands of an ignoramus. (And you give your money to a lefty. Ew!)

Finally, a little schadenfreude to round this post out. ESPN has been, if anything, worse than the NFL in being hijacked by liberalism. But effect follows cause like the tides follow the moon. The three most satisfying things to see in sports: a long 3-point shot, a hail-mary touchdown pass, and progs being tackled blindside by reality:

ESPN bracing for another round of widespread layoffs

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