The weird thing about the murder was the reaction of the parents. They were on the news a bit in the following days. I understand that extreme grief can be a strange emotion, and doesn't always appear like normal sadness. Still, I couldn't shake the feeling that the mother seemed happy to be on TV. Some others agree with me. I do believe there was grief, but there was an eerie amount of happiness there. Later, as the trial was still ongoing, it was announced that the parents of the victim and the parents of the murderer were joining forces to promote some new Amber Alert state legislation. Despite the tragic act, they said, hopefully some good could come out of it all. Can you imagine saying that? A silver lining to your innocent child's brutal and inhumane death at the hands of a psychopath? And then becoming best buds with the murderer's father, whose truck was used to kidnap your daughter? The proper and natural response is a vengeful rage that you barely manage to suppress, so long as your intellect can make the case that justice will be best served through the legal channels. The normal response is to want to harm those who harm your children, not gratuitously befriend them.
It's utterly insane. Anonymous Conservative uses the metaphor of wolves and rabbits. Wolves of a pack share a common fate. They have deep emotional bonds and mourn the loss of family members. The rabbit strategy is just to reproduce at least as fast as they can be hunted. They have no strong ties to one another. A rabbit could happily graze alongside his brother's corpse and think nothing of it. These people are even worse than that. At least the rabbit is merely indifferent to the loss of his brother, parents, children, whomever. But these leftoids, for whom the greatest goal in life is to virtue portray a victimhood status and signal devotion to the liberal virtues, you can't even say there's a silver lining. It's a silver cloud with a black lining.
Here's another recent example, which comes my way via Heartiste.
From the family of Molly Tibbets. "Please remember, Evil comes in EVERY color. Our family has been blessed to be surrounded by love, friendship, and support throughout this entire ordeal by friends from all different nations and races. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you."This is not how normal humans respond to the murder of their child. [Message actually came from an aunt, fwiw.] The first sentence cuts right to the chase: Please remember, we are enlightened liberals not hateful bigots and sooo not racist. Second sentence: Our family has been blessed [...] throughout this entire ordeal (also, still not racist). Put yourself in their shoes. Can you imagine wording your message like that. Have been blessed? Throughout the ordeal? Blessed? Ordeal? Who considers the abduction, rape, and murder a child to be an "ordeal"? To me, an ordeal is getting a flat on a country road and then realizing your spare is flat too. An ordeal is something you try to put behind you, maybe laugh about over some beers. It has the connotation of a personal struggle or trial. In the context of a family member who was brutalized and murdered, this was no "ordeal". Look at that statement: it doesn't even mention her. It's all virtue signaling and "we". Have you have heard of such narcissism? A post about your dead niece that's all about you. Incredible.
Heartiste says
Sickening. I’m beginning to lose the capacity to fathom the White shitlib mind. They are so alien to me now.These same people make prenaticide their top priority. When news of a school shooting breaks, they tweet, "I hope it was a white guy who shot all those children." As with Muslim radicals, illegal aliens are more likely to kill leftists and their children, but just can't get enough of them anyway. [Mollie Tibbets was actually a raging liberal. Blunt enough to tweet, simply, "I hate white people."] So we'll call this post Illegal Aliens Kill Liberals pt 1, and it can just run in parallel with our Muslims Kill Liberals series. (Been kinda slow on that front, hasn't it?) But that's not the main point here. The point is that we already know liberals like to make victims out of various identities to use as political bargaining chips. They don't care about any of those people, they just use them. That's bad enough, but this leveraging the deaths of children...sickening indeed. It actually makes me want to throw up. They are so alien to me as well. This is not normal human psychology. You wonder why your reasonable arguments don't make a dent on them. Even the brutal murder of their own children doesn't get through.
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