Around these parts we're big fans of r/K theory, which I sometimes call the fundamental theory of politics. The reason I'm so won over is that I've never found any other explanation for the strange grouping of contradictions littered throughout leftist discourse (and perhaps the right, to some degree). Our normal go-to example would be that they are feminists who advocate mass immigration of 3rd world Sharia law proponents. The intersection of the two positions seems to be that Western women should reject even the slightest hint of Western male authority, but be indifferent towards - or even embrace - authority of Muslim men. Because they tend to reject that logical implication as valid, we confirm that the driving force of their stated positions must be psychologically lower than cognition.
The essence of the theory is that the K-selected engage in competition and the r-selected avoid it. Humans seem to be born with genetic dispositions towards one strategy, but are influenced by environmental cues. Resource-scarce environments favor K-selection, and resource-abundant environments favor r-selection. The r-selected are generally anxious that they are disadvantaged in times of open competition. They may respond by migrating elsewhere, acquiring new resources, influencing the society's institutions of competition, or overwhelming the K-selected through numbers. The latter may be achieved by allying with outsiders against their K-selected brethren. To the r-selected, invasion is often less feared than open competition for scarce resources with their own.
In modern democracy, the left is a political system that achieves power by expansion of the electorate. They promise to intervene in the competitive free market to acquire bribes for votes. Consider this Tweet today from a Democrat official.
The is no logical system or ideology where it is consistent to say that we need caravans of immigrants because they'll "do the work Americans won't do" - meaning they'll work for low pay - and simultaneously call for an end to their low pay. Again, the intersection of the two positions reveals their true - if somewhat subconscious - agenda. We need to import "Latinas" who will vote against the interests of white men, and we will reward them by redistributing the wealth in their favor. This is canonical r-selection in action. Note that an even larger gap could have been had by comparing to Asian or Jewish men, but those demographics are of the alliance, so they stuck with their preferred bogeymen of K-selection.
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