My apologies for neglecting this blog. I've been ignoring the news lately, but I do plan to get caught back up on the science articles.
There have, of course, been some very large developments in politics. As predicted, Trump was acquitted almost perfectly along party lines. The only defection was Mitt Romney. While that is not surprising, I was hoping there would at least be some Democratic senators of conscience, but apparently that is not so. Every single Democratic voted that Trump was guilty of the nebulous non-crimes of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. What's clear is that, whatever charges were presented against the President, the elected Democrats were all ready to convict. The details were irrelevant. It can't be said that the rule of law prevailed here. The rule of law has been torn to shreds! All that can be said is that one faction did not have the numbers to drive the other faction from power. Neo-America will be a third-world country with third-world politics.
Another news story has been Pete Buttigieg's victory in Iowa. The New York Times has run an article titled How Pete Buttigieg Became the Surprise of the Iowa Caucuses. They may be surprised, but we aren't. This blog predicted Pete Buttigieg's success many months ago when he was only a minor blip on the radar, based on the Democrats deep desire to snub traditional Christianity. Despite Buttigieg's almost complete inability to capitalize on his unique position, he did manage to squeak out a win versus the Senate's resident socialist kook. What can be gleaned from all this is that all these elite Democrats at the New York Times and on the Buttigieg campaign don't understand themselves at all. That may actually be preferable for us, since they have shown that they have no interest in rule of law, only the exercise of pure power. If they are going to be our enemy, it is better that they err for the reasons that Sun Tsu said one's enemy might err: by understanding neither themselves nor their opponents.
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