Saturday, December 1, 2018

Randomly Generated Racism

The great state of Kansas has determined that its random string generating algorithm is inherently racist and most be regulated. Over 700 license plates have been recalled that contain the string JAP. The headline surprised me at first, because neither Kansans nor the Japanese seem like the kind of people to engage in quests to for Rorschach racism. Actually, the issue was brought up by a Japanese-descended Californian who observed one of the offensive plates in his own formerly great state. Outrage against random letters is not a Japanese kind of thing; it's a California liberal kind of thing. [For context, I lived in Japan for several years while in the military, and think very highly of them.] Ironically enough, outside of other Asians and WWII vets, most Americans who use JAP as an ethnic slur these days mean it as Jewish American Princess.

Around here will believe in universality, which means principles don't change depending on whom they are applied. Two foundational principles of this society are self-determination and freedom of association, however they now apply to everyone but whites. If you're white and generally want to live in white communities, your options are becoming limited. Originally, white flight was fleeing from northern city cores for suburbs as blacks migrated up for manufacturing work. Later, they fled inner suburbs for outer. Now they flee entire states. The migration trends today are that whites leave areas with low white percentage or those with strong control by Democrats - the anti-white party. For example, the state with the highest exodus rate is Illinois. You won't find any Illinois cities on lists of fastest growing US cities, or even fast-growing Midwest cities, but you'll find a disproportionate number of their cities on the lists of fastest-shrinking cities. Even in the downstate, which is every bit as flat and red as Kansas, cities are shrinking because the state is politically dominated by white-minority Chicago. [More context, I'm an Illinois native myself, now holed up in Missouri, with state politics being one of the major factors in staying put.] The fastest growing cities in the Midwest are places like Des Moines, Fargo, and Sioux Falls. That is, very white cities. Big losers are places like Chicago and Saint Louis (two of the three national leading losers, with Baltimore taking top spot). That is, very not-white cities. [My city, which is over 90% white, makes the cut in the top 25 growing midwest cities.]

California is another state with massive white exodus. That wasn't the case even a decade or so ago, when a lot of young people I grew up with moved west after high school. Almost all of them have returned. There are a lot of California refugees here in Southwest Missouri. I don't know of anyone recently who moved out there. Here is a synopsis of California migration, which is enlightening if you can read between the lines, as no specific references are made to race (and probably for good reason). California's domestic migration rate was negative 625,000, which means that 625,000 more Americans fled California than moved there between 2007 and 2014. The report shows that New York had an even greater net loss, at nearly a million, and other big losers were Illinois, Michigan, and Alaska. The latter would seem to contradict our perceived racial migration trends, but Alaska is somewhat of an exception in that it's population is so sensitive to economic trends, as people move there when the mines and oil fields are booming, and leave otherwise. I suspect that if we looked at numbers through 2018 Alaska would fall off the list of losers, as their real estate market is very hot right now.

Despite the net outflow of well over half a million Americans per year, there is enough foreign immigration that the state still grows. In racial terms, the trend is clear: white people flee the state, and are replaced with non-whites. Here's an interesting graph from their report.

Again, the only surprise here is Alaska. Also, perhaps, that Colorado isn't on the top list, but it surely is near the top.  Texas really dominates, it is an outlier even in the top five. I assume they are mostly moving to Dallas (a business boomtown which is barely holding on to white majority status) and Austin, which is much whiter than Dallas but also as liberal an anywhere in California.

 Let's do a quick racial analysis. I'm getting numbers from here, looking at the states' non-hispanic white population percentages in 2012.

California: 39.2

Texas: 44.3
Oregon: 77.6
Nevada: 52.7
Arizona: Arizona: 56.9
Washington:  71.4
Colorada (honorable mention): 69.4

Alaska: 63
New Jersey: 57.9
Michigan: 79.3%
Illinois: 62.9
New York: 57.4%

The numbers only weakly support our theory. Texas, far and away the destination of choice for fleeing Californians, is minority white, while 3rd & 4th place Arizona & Nevada aren't far off. Meanwhile, Michigan has a higher white percentage than any of the states under examination. Partly this can be explained through politics. Texas is surprisingly Republican given its demographics (although that's changing fast with California & Hispanic influxes) and Michigan is surprisingly Democratic given its demographics. Proximity is another piece. Oregon, Nevada, and Nevada are all direct neighbors. I highly suspect that, if we look at the data for all 50 states, we'd be able to create a nice correlation for race and migration patterns. (I've not yet been able to get the data used to generate these reports, but I do plan to dig into it some more.)

After Texas, Californians are fleeing to Oregon, primarily to Portland - the whitest city in America. Portland has undergone tremendous growth in the last decade or two, although that has been slowing down, likely in response to Portland becoming the most liberal city in American (more or less). In fact, so many have immigrated that there is now open xenophobia against Californian newcomers, which is amusing.

So what does this all have to do with Kansas license plates? Well, it signals the futility of state-level white flight. If you thought that you might avoid the rage of California liberals - who may discover a pattern of racism in the background noise - by simply leaving California, you'd be wrong. If you thought that moving 1200 miles across the mountains to the desolate plains would be far enough, it's not. To choose to live in a white community, or even just escape liberal cultural tyranny, we have reached the era where there is no safe haven. For the Kansas DMV to screen for a particular letter combination is no big deal, but then it's not a big deal to have them in circulation in the first place. The point remains that the state of Kansas felt compelled to act so that no one in any distant land might be offended. Once permitted, these demands always increase in scope and magnitude.

After the Supreme Court decided that gay marriage was a natural right, the town of Salem, Missouri flew its flag at half staff in protest. There was nationwide media outrage and the town was shamed into reversing its decision. The town of Salem has bigger problems than gay marriage, like drug abuse and disaffected youth, but still the message was clear. In no town is it permitted to take the same stance on marriage that Hillary Clinton held until just 5 years ago (the first time she gave a full-throated endorsement to gay marriage.) As it turns out, the mainstream Democrat opinion of last decade is so bigoted that it cannot be tolerated even in the most remote Ozarks highlands outposts. I noted in a video linked here that the referendum initiatives made 2018 a pretty good year for Missouri Democrats, despite the state being thoroughly dominated by Republicans.

Moving to conservative places and even winning statewide elections no longer gives cover. There isn't a "safe space" for us. If we don't have Kansas or Missouri, we don't have anything, yet those places are subjected to liberal cultural tyranny. There is no where to run. We either fight, or resign ourselves to the glorious future that has been chosen for us.

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