Tuesday, December 25, 2018

The Stupidest Headline on Christmas Eve

Yesterday's post, The Saddest Jew on Christmas Eve, was such a resounding success that I think it deserves an encore: the Stupidest Headline on Christmas Eve.

Yes, it's a real headline, from Christmas Eve. Call it one more data point to support our hypothesis that The Left Can No Longer Be Satirized. [I notice that the videos linked on that page are no longer available, as the channels were suspended. This blog now stands as a monument to corporate censorship of conservatives.] It's hard to know where to begin when criticizing a headline like this..it's probably best just to assume it's some sad attempt at humor and move on. In fact, the whole Newsweek front page looks like news satire. Here's just one portion of it.

Most are either direct or indirect attacks on Trump. One is praising the insightful commentary of the left's favored semi-literate socialist of the day, Ocasio-Cortez, who explains Christianity to Christians. The top opinion piece is by Robert Reich. I used to follow him on Facebook, because I thought he was smart, before I realized his intellectual contribution was to craft sentences with various combinations of the terms "bigot' and "clown car." The guy is short on brains, to say the least.

Let's look at the opinion pieces, in order.
  • An attack on Trump's economic policies. (The first word of the article is "Trump".)
  • An attack on Trump's immigration policies. (The article opens to a picture of Trump.)
  • An attack on Trump's gun-control opinions. (The article opens to a picture of Trump.)
  • To prove they aren't biased, they include an opinion piece by the civ-nat wonderboy Ben Shapiro (who, you'll recall, is literally deranged). In this piece, the brazenly edgy Shapiro takes the provocative stance of OMG millennials R 2 coddled lol.
  • An opinion on what the incoming Democrat Congress should investigate regarding Trump-Russia first. In other words, a show of support for the deep state coup against the elected president. 
  • An attack on Trump's foreign policy for having the gall to end US military intervention in a Middle East country.
You can't understate how unhinged these people have become. Their web page looks exactly like what it is: party propaganda, with hardly a pretense of journalism. Their "balance" is a fluff piece by a Never-Trumper Jewish pseudoconservative who is poised to fill the void left by the Weekly Standard. (Selling liberalism to conservatives.) Otherwise, their front page is one relentless assault on the president. How many references to the president would you expect to see on a news magazine's front page? One or two, in normal times. Maybe even several given the heated environment and our current president's provocative nature. If you went to some archives from past decades and saw that nearly every article was about the president, you'd assume those people were completely obsessed with him, in one way or another. The front page of communist China's state media outlet, at time of writing this, contains a single image of their leader and no text references. In contrast, Newsweek's front page has nine images of our president, and twenty-three instances of his name in text. That doesn't even include the pieces that don't mention him in the title, but the article itself features a prominent leading picture of Trump and mentions his name in the first sentence. They might as well call the magazine Trumpweek.

Compare that to an archive of Newsweek's front page from exactly one presidency ago. Zero images of president Obama, one text reference. And that's what I suggested, one or two references in normal times. For the sake of science, I checked several other news sites that I could think of off hand. For each, I computed the total number of instances of the word Trump, or an image, from today's front pages.
  • Drudge Report - 3
  • NPR - 5
  • The Atlantic - 11
  • Time - 12
  • USA Today - 15
  • CNN - 16
  • NBC - 16
  • Fox News - 17
  • Huffington Post - 17
  • MSNBC - 17
  • ABC - 18
  • Google News - 18
  • Washington Post - 21
  • New York Times - 22
  • Breitbart - 26
  • MSNBC - 27
  • Newsweek 32
Newsweek, as it turns out, is the standout winner for the most deranged Trump-obsessed media outlet. Congratulations to them, they've truly earned this year's honor for stupidest Christmas Eve headline. What we need is a bot to scan these sites daily, and gives us a Trump derangement index in a sort of scrolling update like a stock ticker. Actually, that would be easy to do if we ignored images and just went with text references. Perhaps a nice gimmick for this blog's new site, whenever that happens...

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