It's intriguing to realize that, outside of extraordinary circumstances, foxes won't be tamed. They have their own way. Let's consider the evolved traits of foxes and their kin, as they have some analogs to human personalities as well. Wolves, coyotes, and dogs are all closely related, and can even interbreed, while foxes are somewhat more distant, cousins rather than brothers.
Wolves are the consummate pack animal. Fierce, faithful, hierarchal, and emotionally attached to their tribe. (Orcas are similar, in their intense emotional bond to their pod.) Wolves command a territory, over which they provides stewardship. Most people have probably now seen the video of the remarkable improvement of the ecosystems in Yellowstone following the re-introduction of grey wolves. The rivers even run cleaner. Wolves introduce order. While the wolf may be the barbarous enemy of the caribou, the wolf pack is of great benefit to the caribou herd. Wolves cull the weak and diseased, and help attenuate population oscillations.
Foxes are solitary creatures. Like wolves, they live on their own terms, but don't require vast tracks of wilderness on which to roam. Foxes stay hidden from the civilized world, but are happy to poach whatever they can get away with. They're considered clever and cunning because of their ability to steal chickens despite all defenses. Foxes are more adaptable than the wolf, and can thrive even in semi-urban areas.
Coyotes are solitary like the fox, but even more secluded. They aren't as clever as the fox, but are scavengers and opportunists. They skimp by on whatever they happen to come across. Occasionally they group together to hunt large prey, but most often the coyote is a lone wolf. On still nights, the coyote howls in a dignified matter, yet in lean times a coyote is a desperate creature.
Dogs have been domesticated by civilization. They are loved by humans for their friendliness and loyalty by humans, who have also been domesticated. Dogs are diverse. Many dogs are evolved to assist humans in productive tasks, such as hunting and sheepherding, and are admirable. Others have been bred for mere amusement. Chihuahuas are an abomination to nature, and they know it. So dogs run the gamut from useful to useless, although traditionally they were useful and they became increasingly useless in modern times.
Still, a dog is a lowly being, because it is dependent. It is a pack animal without a pack. The dog projects its innate loyalty onto humans who use it for either labor or amusement. The dog is paid, of course, yet seems to have no choice. Dogs grovel before power, and are loyal even when the loyalty is not repaid, even when the master is not loving. Strike a cat and you'll never see him again. Strike a dog and he becomes more obedient. A dog is a creature who will happily accompany his master, tail wagging, out to the field to be put down. And, if the aim is off, would pathetically crawl back for care. [I don't mean to sound too vicious. Dogs are wonderful animals, but poor humans, and we're making a social analogy here.]
Dogs represent the urban / cosmopolitan element of society, and it's wild brethren the rural segments. Wolves provide a clear analogy to the tribe and nation. They are insular, maintain full autonomy of their territory, and oversee a natural order - and are quite threatened by encroaching urban sprawl. Coyotes are similarly threatened, while foxes are capable of carrying on fairly well in a new environment, but they never rule.
Is equating modern cosmopolitans to dogs unfair? Yes, it's rude to the dogs. Consider this story out yesterday from South Africa. I'll take some snippets, but it's worthy reading in its entirety.
The story is about a white farm being violently burglarized by black Africans, right? It's interesting that the article never actually mentions the races of the victims & perpetrators. Everyone knows what happened anyway, even the outlet's totally not-racist white audience, because humans are pattern-matching machines. We know what is happening in South Africa, and we know what the liberal media's motives are in omitting certain facts. The article describes a home invasion by several
The suspects then started their long night of intimidation and torture. “They started asking us where our guns and cash were. We have never owned guns. We don’t believe in firearms. We told them we not like other farmers. Our family runs an HIV orphanage and is entrenched in helping the community around us.”This is like the fourth paragraph and already we see they've gone full libtarded. Liberals don't just virtue signal to for approval from other white liberals, but they instinctively cower before those deemed to have status or power. "Have mercy, we aren't like those other white people." And you have to love how liberals are so conscious of anti-racism that they become just as racist as any Klan gathering, equating the black community around them with HIV and orphans. And, of course, they don't believe in self defense, but rely on the goodness of their fellow man and the efficiency of the state. How did the vibrant locals respond to this display of piety by the modern-day saints?
The suspects did not believe the family, so they placed a plastic bag over Peter’s head and started suffocating him. The suspects did this twice while cross-questioning the Bakkers. “They started saying they going to rape my wife and my daughter if I didn’t tell them where the guns were.”This is the same dynamic starting to play out in the Democrat party. (Seriously, watch the hilarity in the coming years as devout white liberals try to win to win office under the anti-white party.) Luckily, one of the family had taken the time to learn the dialect of the Bantu invaders.
Matt’s eldest managed to subdue the suspects after he spoke to them in fluent siSwati. “I think this helped us, as they seemed to calm down when they heard he could speak the language.”Remember white people, if you just adopt their languages, customs, and religions, you might save your family from being raped and murdered. Why not give it a chance?
The Bakkers issued a statement after their brush with genocide.
“We, as South Africans, need to learn the concept of ubuntu. We are all human beings who share suffering, pain, joy, happiness. We need to help our brothers and sisters and care about one another. South Africans have so much love to give, yet our news is filled with all the negativity and hatred. Let’s focus more on doing the best we can, individually, to heal this country instead of bemoan our troubles.This all from the guy who insinuated to the invaders that he wasn't like those other racist, bigoted farmers. The platitudes sound noble, but they aren't. Let's not bemoan that white farmers are constantly being robbed, beaten, and murdered by black immigrants, and native politicians are constantly threatening confiscation of property al la Zimbabwe. The answer is to embrace ubuntu. That is, to become even more African. The liberal response in times of tragedy is always to signal piety. If you want more in that category, read that same outlet's opinion piece on the matter. It has all the same feel as Molly Tibbett's father praising Mexican food after the rape and murder of his daughter. The Boers are in serious trouble.
I would advise you to think of yourself as either a wolf or a fox. They live life on their own terms, by either taking full command of their territory, or finding ways to thrive around the edges. Throwing yourself at the mercy of your tormentors is not dignified. Men were not meant to live like dogs.
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