Thursday, February 14, 2019

Roll Call of the Absurd

Let the games begin! A number of Democrats have recently thrown in the ol' proverbial hat, joining the greatest reality television show on earth. The entertainment value from the roll call of the absurd has been instantaneous. Before we review them, it's worth repeating an idea that can't be repeated too often.

When it comes to social religions, absurdity is a feature, not a bug. It is used to demonstrate submission to power. When the Aztecs came to take children to be publicly murdered to gain favor from the gods, the parents would have done themselves no service to point out irrationality of the a demand. Such an appeal to logic would only be taken as treasonous disloyalty by the ruling elites. Orwell captured the concept quite while in 1984, where Winston was tortured until he declared that two plus two equals five. Answering five indicated submission. Using logic to insist on four amounted to insurrection, punishable by more torture.

With that in mind, let's consider the candidate pool. Elizabeth Warren announced her candidacy last Saturday, despite a recent run of awful press. Trump responded quickly, asking whether or not she'd be running as America's first American Indian president. Many had wondered if Warren, who had established an "exploratory committee," would run following the humiliating response to her genetic results. One can only imagine how it went.

Exploratory committee: Well, Liz, it seems that you routinely embarrass yourself in front of a national audience, everyone basically agrees you're full of it, you've been rebuked by the very same Cherokee tribes with whom you grandiosely claim heritage, you were caught lying to claim affirmative action benefits, and every time you open your pie hole the entire media stampedes over to Twitter to hear the incumbent's hot take on the matter.

Warren: You've made it very clear. My country needs me now.

During her announcement, she referred to "people of color" so many times that even some liberals expressed annoyance. Of course, the Democrats are now the anti-white party, so any white people vying for power must recite the right prayers early and often. The absurdity of it, of course, is that Warren was proven - by the Washington Post of all places! - to have actually used her claimed minority status to further her career. She basically stole from POCs to get to her position to virtue signal to them in the hopes of accruing the highest seat of the land. Such a display signals to the leftist elites, "I have no principles whatsoever, and I'll do or say whatever you want."

[Let's be very clear: Fauxahontas did nothing wrong. All whites who oppose affirmative racism should be identifying as the minority and gender of their choosing in their professional documents. The only reason it exists at all is because whites allow actual institutional racism, but only so long as it's directed at themselves. Warren had the gall not only to hijack the looney program, but then to leverage that as herself supporting the plight of POCs! Guys, she just paved the way. The Democrats are still letting her run for president. Why wouldn't any white person now follow in her footsteps?]

Amy Klobuchar announced her candidacy as well. No one has heard of her, nor would have if Trump hadn't tweeted on the event, pointing out the hilarity of another global warming liar announcing her announcement during a blizzard, in a city that had just been blasted by a record-breaking cold snap. Again, that is just the kind of irrationality that needs to be displayed. Complaining about global warming on a muggy day is natural. Doing so in the dead of an unusually cold Minnesota winter demonstrates loyalty to the cause, and a reluctance to question conventional dogma. Also, some of her former staffers have reported that she is an alcoholic rage addict, which should help make Hillary voters feel more comfortable.

Kamala Harris, the Democrats' most viable woman of color (i.e. the presumptive frontrunner) has recently gotten some press for her own gaffes. She claimed that she used to smoke pot in college while listening to Snoop Dog and Tupac. That's the proper platform to win the nomination from modern Democrats: rap culture. (She should have found a way to rope in a gay or trans friend into the tale.) Her story has been revealed for what it is - a story - because the numbers don't work out. Neither of those artists had yet produced albums when Harris was in college. So she's a liar, but no matter. Press coverage of the mistake only makes her stronger. What's better than pandering to degeneracy? Lying while pandering to degeneracy. And it only gets sweeter with each annoyed conservative. The incident helps Harris toward clinching a Democrat nomination, although won't help her much with swing state voters.

Alexandria Occasio-Cortez released her Green New Deal last week. It's not worth reviewing much, as it is the most juvenile political proposal ever made. Even many liberals are openly mocking it or keeping their distance. Conventional wisdom is that AOC torpedoed her career right out the gate. I say she'll come out ahead in the long run. She just made herself high priestess of The Cult. What's more interesting is their claim that all the Democratic presidential candidates support the Green New Deal. While AOC has contested the widely ridiculed FAQ and blamed in on GOP pranksters, I downloaded a copy of the pdf before they took it down.

This is political dynamite, no wonder they ran to the hoax narrative so quickly. Hopefully Trump's team is gathering evidence for all of the candidates who expressed public support. (It looks like the MSM already did most of the leg work for him.) Even Tulsi Gabbard, who has some redeeming qualities, leaped onboard. She opposes American imperialism, which puts her into the small minority of all parties. And, she broke ranks in 2016 and did not cast her superdelegate vote for Hillary Clinton, the presumed future president and vindictive alcoholic with a body count. Let's not forget that Gabbard was actually brave enough to stand up to establishment tyranny when it mattered, so good for her. But, at the end of the day, she's still an open-borders socialist, and jumping onto this farce policy shows just how qualified she is. Twenty seconds of skimming should have been enough for anyone to see red flags littered throughout the amateur hack job of a proposal. This is unfortunate for Gabbard, as it really waters down her image as a free-thinking, non-establishment liberal. She jumped right on the cuckoo express with all the rest of them.

Another freshman Congressperson in the news was Ilhan Omar, a Somali Muslim woman hailing from the great northern lands of Minnesota. She had the absolute gall to state what everyone know to be true: that the Israeli lobby holds excessive control over the US Congress. Even cherished POCs are not allowed to cross that line of stating the obvious, and Omar was pressured into issuing an apology. Isn't that something...doesn't it just prove her point? Here's another absurdity of the whole event: Jews control the media which advocates the importation of people who want to kill the Jews. Here's another: Donald Trump called on Omar to resign. That's a very establishment-like thing of him to say. I've been operating on the assumption that Trump's second term will consist of him cozying up to the establishment to foster a positive mainstream review of his legacy. He wants that redemptive arc. Early Trump is best Trump. He's fighting for us to get a wall, which demands our support, yet he also stated in his SOTU speech that he wants to bring in more immigrants than ever before, legally through the big hole in his beautiful wall. So far the leading Democrat candidate appears to be Trump himself, albeit one running on their platform of ten or maybe fifteen years ago.

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