Thursday, February 7, 2019

The Republican Senate Finally Takes Action

While our government is recovering from a recent shutdown resulting from a squabble over a few billion dollars for a border wall - and bracing for another one - our Republican Senate managed to get one bill passed, which officially rebukes Trump's decision to withdraw troops from Syria, allows for the government to punish businesses that boycott Israel, and pledges $38 billion in military aid to Israel over the next decade. If that doesn't make your blood boil, what would? The Senate can't find the funds to defend our country from the greatest demographic invasion of all history, but has no problem spending much more than that on Israel's defense. Our government gives away our money, insists on perpetual warfare in far away places, and dictates who we do business with. And can't even build a damn wall for us.

It's beyond corruption. The central government does not exist to serve the American people. It doesn't even believe there's such thing as an American people. It now exists merely to steal from us. To steal our money and give it away. To steal our country and give it away. We might as well be ruled by a foreign power. Think of it, everyone fears a future where China rules over us. Why? What would be worse? At least under Chinese oppression we'd be protected from demographic invasion. Why would the Chinese take on the effort to establish dominion over our productive nation just to watch it be destroyed? There's much to dislike about the ChiComms, but at least they aren't infected with a mind virus that treats irrationality as a moral virtue. The Chinese would, no doubt, demand tribute. Fine, we can just re-direct the tribute we're paying Israel towards them. We'd come out even! You might say, oh, it would be humiliating to be ruled over by the Chinese, what with their smug cultural superiority and all. But we're already humiliated by smug cultural overlords in the country our fathers built. Again, we come out even.

I've wondered, what would be different if Barrack Obama was made dictator for life? He'd use state police to maintain his party's political dominance. But that happened anyway. He'd impose a "radical transformation" of American society. That happened anyway. The District imposed gay marriage on all 50 states and managed to maintain the illusion of national self-determination. What would be the difference between an outright dictatorship by the limp-wristed Obama versus his democratic rule? The only significant difference would be he'd go after gun ownership. Everything else would largely be the same.

While we like to engage in some Western chauvinism around here, the sad truth is that modern white societies are full of the stupidest people to ever walk the planet. They give their our money away while begging to be invaded, because half of them are convinced that it is racist to want to have your own country. They demand to be enslaved! I don't know of any historical precedent. Consider how stupid the Dutch are. Some of the families of "Dutch" jihadis who moved to join ISIS are now stuck in Syrian refugee camps, so the Dutch are looking to repatriate them at government expense. They are begging to be held in bondage, and will pay good money for the service.

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