Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Northern Europe is Not Safe for Children

In the Netherlands, a 17-year-old Dutch girl has been euthanized. (Source, note that the terms girl and euthanized were their words, not mine.) She was able to procure assisted-suicide services as a legal adult. Normally these services are intended for terminally ill patients in such grave pain or ill health that they have no chance of any remaining enjoyable life. Noa Pothoven was permitted to commit suicide for depression.

As the story goes, she was sexually assaulted at the age of 11 at a schoolfriend's party, and similarly abused a year later under similar circumstances. You may be wondering what kind of environment she was living in.
At the age of 14, she was raped by two men in the Arnhem neighbourhood of Elderveld - but stayed quiet 'out of fear and shame'.
That single sentence tells you everything you need to know. Consider the context that the European newspapers are not allowed to include. They don't want to end up like Tommy Robinson, who was jailed for showing that Muslims were on trial for running organized child rape rings.
  • Arnhem is a city with a large Muslim population
  • The mayor of Arnhem is a Muslim
  • Police occasionally must thwart terrorist activities in Arnhem
  • Turkish high school students caused a stir when they stated on national television that the Holocaust was a blessing
  • While rape is a crime common to all cultures, in Europe, gang rape is almost exclusively committed by Muslim men
Putting that all together, we get the real story: At the age of 14, a Dutch girl in a Dutch city was raped by two Muslims. She did not report the crime out of fear of being called a racist, so her rapists went unpunished. Instead, the victim was punished. Suffering understandable mental anguish from being raped in a society that views the rapists as the real victims, she was entered into compulsory mental health services.
She wrote in her autobiography that these stints in isolation made her feel 'almost feel like a criminal, while I haven't so much as stolen sweets from a store in my life'. 
In clown world, criminals are victims, and victims are criminals. The people of the Netherlands responded very firmly to the rape by issuing capital punishment, but meted it to the victim rather than the perpetrators.

What of the parents' role in all this? You might suspect that they're just a little bit libtarded.
Noa penned an autobiography called 'Winning or Learning' about her battles with post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and anorexia after being molested and raped at a young age.

She said she wanted her book to help vulnerable youngsters who struggle with life, saying that the Netherlands does not have specialised institutions or clinics where teenagers can go for psychological or physical aid.

'The book should be mandatory for social workers, but also for children's judges and municipalities, who are responsible for youth care,' her mother Lisette said.
As you can see, it's all about the state with them. No, the one's who are "responsible for youth care" are the parents. Even after watching their rape-tramautized daughter kill herself in their own living room, all they call for is a little more guidance for the government to do a better job of treating children who have been raped by foreigners who were never punished. The same government that invited the rapists into her city; the same government that lies about crime statistics to keep the people passive; the same government that created an environment where little girls are afraid to report their rapes to police because truth might be weaponized by evil right-wingers, who want to do evil things like kick out foreign invaders and hang rapists.
Lisette and Noa's father Frans had hoped that Noa would 'see bright spots again', 'perhaps fall in love' or learn to discover that 'life is worth living'.

Lisette told De Gelderlander last year that Noa and was 'at odds' with her parents, who had hoped electroshock treatment for major depression would help her symptoms.   
"Gee, our sweet daughter sure isn't handling her child rape by foreign invaders very well. You know, the one where she had so little faith in society to support her that she didn't even report the heinous felony? Something is definitely wrong with her. We should try treating her with electric shocks." At least they didn't permit her to commit suicide while under their authority but, my god, is that how low the bar is set now for European parents... that not signing off on your child's death wish is seen as a redeeming quality?

That poor, poor girl. She'd have been better off to have been raped by a conquering army in more primitive times. At least, then, everyone would tell her she was wronged. Instead, she was just told that she was wrong. Her people failed her immeasurably, and she lived in pure hell. I can't blame her for choosing suicide. She was still a child, and Northern Europe is not safe for children. Death is preferable to being offered up as a child sacrifice to the cult of diversity.

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