Under the tenets of Equality, outcomes are expected to be equal since there are no innate differences between any groups. Thus, any perceived inequality is the result of wrong-doing. Not only can a group with some perceived advantage be punished on principle, they must be punished to uphold proper moral order. Businesses - which seek a profit - are assumed to be engaged in cheating. Property owners are assumed to have stolen their possessions. Thus, we see in liberal strongholds a ceaseless attack on business, which adversely affect the smallest and most vulnerable businesses that cannot afford the prog public relations and lobbying/bribing operations of the big corporations. If you asked Progressives if they thought public policy should favor locally owned businesses or global corporations, every last one of them will say locally owned businesses. And yet they implement the policy that has the opposite effect, because they aren't voting rationally.
In California, parcel taxes have become popular, which are arbitrary and usually regressive taxes levied on real estate used to raise money for various causes. The California Supreme Court has ruled against them, and so they must be passed by a two-thirds vote - hardly a problem in places like San Francisco. Some are now blaming those taxes for the recent report of four hundred restaurants closing in San Francisco. Perhaps that isn't a lot in such a populous city, but the witness accounts are that it's part of an observable trend.
I've known tech workers who were lured out to the Bay Area by job offers from prestigious corporations like Google, only to return back to the Midwest...sometimes within a year! Most tech workers are number-savvy enough to realize that the high-dollar west coast salaries are a worse deal and, if not, they quickly learn upon arrival. Companies that offer on-site services like reasonably priced food and complimentary buses to the suburbs are trying to spare their employees from the worst aspects of an area that's grown a reputation as a terrible place to start a family.
Equality means we can't have nice things, because nice things cause envy and claims of unfairness, to which the hordes of Progressives swoop in to fix things via more government intervention. However, the approach fails because the tech workers - already raked over the coals for rent - can't afford to spend hundreds of dollars a week eating out, and the restaurants don't enjoy Apple-level profit margins. The Progressives don't care, and will vote the same even when they know what the reality is. A Voat comment is enlightening.
In California, parcel taxes have become popular, which are arbitrary and usually regressive taxes levied on real estate used to raise money for various causes. The California Supreme Court has ruled against them, and so they must be passed by a two-thirds vote - hardly a problem in places like San Francisco. Some are now blaming those taxes for the recent report of four hundred restaurants closing in San Francisco. Perhaps that isn't a lot in such a populous city, but the witness accounts are that it's part of an observable trend.
“The trend is more restaurants are closing than are opening and that’s historic,” said Chris Tavelli from Pause and Yield Wine Bars. “I’ve never seen that in my ten years in the restaurant business.”Witness testimonies also indicate that properties are remaining vacant longer. Restaurant owners blame the business environment of the city for the hard times.
Restauranteurs said many factors are to blame, like the high cost of operating in San Francisco, high crime rates, dirty streets and long wait times for permits. Plus, new challenges in this digital age like the ease of being able to order food online. “All these tech companies with free food and wine available to their employees day and night,” said Tavelli.Offering lunch is not some new "digital-age" innovation, nor are the tech companies to blame. They're the ones keeping the region afloat, and they're doing what they must to retain talent. They can't say, "Come work in San Francisco. We're near some great restaurants. Lunch will cost you $30. Watch out for all the poop and needles."
I've known tech workers who were lured out to the Bay Area by job offers from prestigious corporations like Google, only to return back to the Midwest...sometimes within a year! Most tech workers are number-savvy enough to realize that the high-dollar west coast salaries are a worse deal and, if not, they quickly learn upon arrival. Companies that offer on-site services like reasonably priced food and complimentary buses to the suburbs are trying to spare their employees from the worst aspects of an area that's grown a reputation as a terrible place to start a family.
Equality means we can't have nice things, because nice things cause envy and claims of unfairness, to which the hordes of Progressives swoop in to fix things via more government intervention. However, the approach fails because the tech workers - already raked over the coals for rent - can't afford to spend hundreds of dollars a week eating out, and the restaurants don't enjoy Apple-level profit margins. The Progressives don't care, and will vote the same even when they know what the reality is. A Voat comment is enlightening.
It really is only a matter of time and completely unstoppable. People in the Bay Area are so intensely politicized that they unconsciously feel voting to be purely a moral issue. They don't vote to increase School funds via Parcel Taxes because it makes sense, it's because it is a moral issue, and most importantly, it is a moral issue on two fronts. One is obvious, but the other is they believe it is always moral to vote against the interests of property owners. They seriously would vote to just raise Parcel Taxes for no reason, as they would see it as moral. I've even talk to real estate agents about this who absolutely know what I'm saying is true, but will only respond with, "well, we all have opinions." You see, they know it's going to destroy everything, but they also don't want to transgress their politicized morality.Stupidity is not to blame here. Even in the absence of stupidity, the irrational behavior persists. The real estate agent is probably taking the smart approach because a transgression against the moral code could be very bad for business. The problem is the Progressive religion and its DIE fervor. The real tragedy isn't watching the great American city of San Francisco collapse, but watching all those yuppie prog voters scurrying to Austin and Denver, turning those locales a solid shade of dark blue. Flee for capitalism, vote for socialism.
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