We've not been covering the impeachment proceedings here. One reason is that the event is completely mainstream. There's no shortage of commentary and analysis, so there's little left to say. Another reason is that I just can't compel myself to care about it. It's not very interesting. My limited exposure has been seeing the news headlines on the TVs at the gym (also over live footage of Schiff talking), and then this Viva Frei video discussing Schiff's closing arguments. I couldn't even make it 3 minutes into that video because I can't stand to hear Peter Schiff talk. Of course he's lying and the whole thing is a blatant sham, so who cares what he's saying? I notice that hardly anyone in the bloglist (on the sidebar) is talking about the impeachment either. All those writers are, if not outright pro-Trump partisans, at least savvy enough to understand political theater when they see it. You'd think such people would be quite livid at seeing the coup attempt now move into the Senate, but largely they are ignoring it for the same reason I am: it's just not that interesting.
It doesn't even seem like the goal of the hearings is to impeach. The goal of the hearings is to have the hearings. Schiff is up there getting his earthly reward. He gets to stand on the pulpit preaching as if he is the courageous defender of virtue, and everyone has to watch and pretend that it is so. He undoubtedly fancies himself as a Cicero, a great orator standing against the rising tyranny. It's an inversion of reality, of course, but to him it's as good as real. The Democrats have pursued the strategy largely for lack of anything better to do. The moment there was a reprieve in witch hunting, "the squad" started calling Pelosi a racist. Suddenly, impeachment proceedings sounded kinda nice. They know Trump won't be removed from office, and that the stunt is likely to backfire, but they hope that they can keep Trump on his heels with fake investigations until he is voted out in the fall.
Even if they succeed, then what? Trump is out and Pence is in. Not much will change. The oval office will still be occupied by someone considered an absolute heretic by The Cult. The only difference is that the Washington establishment will have demonstrated that unauthorized elections can be overturned. Who does that benefit? Not them. The illusion of democracy is the source of their legitimacy. No, it would benefit right-wing dissidents. If there is one principle that divides us from the rest of conservaties, it is that we will not win back our nation through elections. Democracy took our country, and will not give it back willingly. The sooner our fellow Americans realize this, the sooner we can at least stop the bleeding. Nothing would be more in our favor that having a president ousted for the crimes of his opponent.
In this case, the show of power can only backfire. It does not punish the voters whom they'd like to punish. It may punish Trump, but that won't deter ambitious men from seeking the office. If they fail, then Trump becomes stronger because the threat of impeachment will have already been exhausted. If thy succeed, then they make our case for us, which is that the democracy is a sham and we are vassals of the Empire of Columbia. It would destroy civic nationalism for us.
Because the outcome isn't that important, it's just not that interesting. Watching the Senate turn into a circus during the Kavanaugh hearings was interesting. It was an outrage! But that seal has been broken. After all that hysteria, watching the Senate now engage in a fake trial is hardly noteworthy. No one cares, and no one is watching. Whether the Democrats stab themselves in the eye or shoot themselves in the foot, and whatever lies they spew between now and the time they get there, is just not something anyone wants to waste their time on.
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