Sunday, August 20, 2017

Democracy's Demographic Demonry

Here at the Emergent Sea we're into omni-nationalism. (How is that for positive labeling, rayme4raw?) That means nationalism for everyone. Every nation gets a home and practices self-determination. People might quibble over what a nation is, but usually that's only people who aren't operating in good faith. We intuitively know one when we see it. A nation is a people united by a unique ethnicity, culture, history, and language. We understand the difference between a Mexican and an America and an Inuit. Liberals think an American is anyone who currently resides on American soil, but they are experts in contradicting common sense.

Self-determination means a nation self-regulates. They decide how the nation will live and what to do with the land on which they find themselves. There is also the notion of reciprocity. The Turks may self-determine they need to invade Elbonia for more resources, but then that sort of denies the Elbonians of their right to their own self-determination. Nations can determine to be ruled if they like. It sounds unlikely, but then it happens. Look at Puerto Rico, the American territory with only a very minor independence movement. They are a different nation that Americans, yet choose to be governed by Americans anyway.

While it's never really stated, nations have a duty to preserve themselves. Before we lived in the crazy times such a concept didn't need to be stated. It was just the natural way. Now that we're in crazy times, it's still not stated because that would be racist, somehow. The people of a nation have a culture, language, ethnicity, and some land that were given to them by their forebearers, and they should preserve their heritage and pass it on. Of course, we can't compel a nation to preserve themselves. If they seek to destroy their own nation there isn't much we can do. Nations should engage in self-preservation, but we can't really make them.

There seem to be about three ways that nations can die: conquest, outcompetition, and democracy. Conquest we understand pretty easily. If the Turks sweep in and kill every last Elbonian, then Elbonia ceases to be a nation, relegated to the history books, which we mostly be full of lies. Outcompetition death is slowly ceding ground to a more powerful neighbor until there's not much left to call a nation. This was largely the case with Amerindians. They were not killed off so much as they were pushed into the margins. The final way to kill a nation is through democracy.

The real problem is what we might term free-domain democracy, where headcounts are all that matters, and people are free to move around however they want. It's always been remarkable to me that I can move to any state, to any city, and to any neighborhood, and the people already living there have zero input into having me as their new neighbor. I'm not sure which part is more dangerous, the free-domain attribute or democracy itself, but combined they are a nation-grinding machine. Let's look at some examples.

First we might look at western countries like America and France. These are nations with very strong identities, yet are being diluted by immigration (free-domain aspect). It would be one thing if the French maintained full control of France but, because of democracy, the French nation loses control of France with each immigrant that enters. France becomes less and less interested in preserving the French nation as it becomes less French. And soon France just won't be very French at all. We can see that if a democratic nation loses vigor in preserving itself, it sets down on a slippery path to doom from which it cannot recover. Not without jettisoning democracy, at least.

Another example is Tibet, which is a nation but no longer a country, having been annexed by China. The Chinese have done what they can to control Tibet demographically, by dumping ethnic Chinese into the region and encouraging the Tibetans to water themselves down through intermarriage. This may be a boon to China's empirical stability, but is a threat to humanity. The uniqueness of the Tibetan people should be preserved. China is not a democracy but the effect is the same. If they can crowd out the Tibetans as much as possible, they can more easily justify polices that are friendly to the Chinese at the expense of the Tibetans.

The final example is Hawaii. Hawaii is only 10% Hawaiian. When they were annexed by the US in 1898 they were 20% Hawaiian. Just a few decades before that they were 97% Hawaiian. The largest ethnic group in Hawaii today is Japanese, followed by whites. The Japanese are there largely because US businesses dominated the islands and recruited Japanese laborers as plantation workers. The Hawaiians were outnumbered before 1898 but still ruled the islands through their monarchy. It's pretty appalling really. The Americans drastically altered the islands' demographics, then forced democracy on them, meaning the Hawaiians lost control of their own lands. They are so hopelessly outnumbered today that there's no chance of Hawaiians regaining control of their islands. They are doomed to forever be a minority in their own land.

The most amazing thing about this is that liberals, who hate whites and shriek oppression constantly, don't say much about Hawaii. I'm sure they do some, but not loud enough that it ever really reaches me in the midwest. Yet here is a pretty clear example of the things they rail against. Why don't they decry the demographic destruction of Hawaii? Perhaps because Hawaii is something like a dream scenario for them, where no one is the majority.

We might say the Hawaii isn't unique, just a special case of the Amerindians displaced by whites. However, whites didn't so much displace them as had them displaced by a 3rd party. Hawaii might be more similar to southern colonies like Mississippi, where Amerindians were replaced with blacks. This is in contrast to the northern colonies, where they built European states populated mainly by Europeans. In the north they were building a civilization. In Hawaii and Mississippi they were profiteering; taking land from one group and labor from another and reaping the profits. Displacing the natives to build great cities and states is at least more justifiable than than short-term business gains. And the results show. Mississippi is the poorest state in the union and Hawaii the most liberal. We are paying now for the near-sightedness of many of our forebearers, and, had they practiced omni-nationalism, we'd be in a much better situation today. Violating omni-nationalism is, in the long-term, a losing bet. There's actually a fourth way nations die. Nations that engage in imperialism often end up destroying themselves.

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