In her last couple of videos (here and here) Blonde has been grappling with the depression and lack of energy stemming from becoming blackpilled. (Redpilled means awakened to the truth, in the sense of the Matrix bluepill/redpill choice. Blackpilled means becoming cynical that the modern world can be salvaged at all.) In one of her videos she asks, "Black pill or God pill?"
Owen Benjamin has become frustrated lately with all the despair he gets from followers, to the point of banning people for being too dreary. I say he's a little impatient, because he is in the business of redpilling his audience. It's natural that removing comfortable lies will cause despair. It's like teenagers who become cynical at the world as they realize life isn't the happy, safe world of childhood, but eventually most people level out. You can't really unswallow the red pill, but the blackpill wears off for all but those who refuse to stop wallowing in self-pity.
Perhaps Christianity is primarily a program for dissolving the black pill. How does one confront the truth without becoming damaged? Maybe it's not so easy! Look at all the delusion and rage that permeates our current culture. The great irony is that in our modern, rational society, people are less inclined to embrace truth than before, because without faith they have no ability to handle truth. The material world becomes flawed, yet all they have is the material world. There is nothing else, so, in a sense, everything has been taken from them. Rage and fear does seem like the natural response.
Christianity teaches that we live in a fallen world, that evil forces roam the material world, but that it's all okay. You can do your part to share the light, side with the good, and no more. I must admit that, despite being raised Catholic, I never understood the meaning of their core belief which is that Jesus died for our sins. In fact, at the age of 16 I asked a priest about it and got such a lackluster response that I decided that the clergymen didn't believe any of it either. However, I wonder if the benefit of the belief in Christ being sent as savior is the implication that you must not be the savior. You can't save the fallen the world. So don't try. Even God's own son was destroyed (in a material sense) by the evil forces of the world. There is no use in despairing at the evil in the world, because evil will never be eradicated anyway. The only question is whether you stand for the good, and gracefully suffer the bad. If life is a test of one's virtue, then evil is necessary.
I wrote a couple weeks ago about Paul's one big flaw being a fervent belief in impending worldly apocalypse, going so far as to advise men not even to start families. Was Paul the original MGTOW? It certainly is an interesting parallel to that modern lifestyle choice. We can see that, as with the angsty teenager, Christianity did level out, becoming the foremost advocate for families and life. So Christians have been blackpilled for a couple thousand years already, and a lot of people today are only catching up. There is truly nothing new under the sun.
Update: apparently Roosh was talking about the "God" pill as the next phase after black pill a month or so ago (link).
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