I would say not, but it is certainly evil. If these leftists were to be believed (always assume they are lying) then it would be a good thing to encourage a young woman to have sex with a man she loves - or perhaps one she doesn't love - to begin the miracle of motherhood, and then to kill the fetus before it has a change at single breath of air. It's as evil a sentiment as anything could be, but it should not be considered infuriating. What do you think their response will be to hearing they've infuriated a white conservative man...feel bad and apologize? No, of course they'd merely finding satisfaction in triggering their political opponent. Really, that is the only reason they have for making such a public statement. The only goal is to inflict emotional pain.
To understand the left, you have to understand the Cluster B personality disorders. Their are four major types, although they tend to overlap.
- Antisocial personality disorder. These types easily dehumanize others, and includes the stereotypical sociopath. The high level of antisocial traits in the left can be seen in the way they casually disregard everyone they disagree with as a Nazi or a bigot.
- Histrionic personality disorder. This is the "drama queen" complex. Gratuitous acts of virtue signaling are done by those who share other traits of this disorder. Social media has fueled a surge in online histrionic personalities.
- Malignant narcissism. Narcissism is characterized by psychological injury. The victim wraps their fragile ego with a bubble of delusion to avoid further harm. Childhood PTSD often becomes adult narcissism. At extreme levels it becomes malignant, meaning the victim seeks to inflict his disorder on others. You can easily identity these people because they are miserable around happy people, yet bubbly and cheerful after they're ruined someone's day. Avoid them like the plague, and never let on that they've upset you.
- Borderline personality disorder. The typical "crazy chick" disorder, although it occurs in men too, especially as they become increasingly effeminate. It seems to be rooted in a profound emotional immaturity, caused by (1) not being taught self-reliance, (2) learning behavior patterns from parents with the disorder, or (3) childhood trauma - Dr Drew got so good at detecting this particular form of arrested development that he could guess the age when a caller was abused by her voice alone. BPD sufferers need constant attention and validation, but lack any sense of agency, lobbying whatever surrogate "daddy" they can find to give them what they want, and see also see their situation as something that was imposed on them, which they are helpless to change, and which can always be blamed on others.
The left isn't explicitly a political faction, as there isn't a political theory that can properly summarize them. "Anti-competitive" covers a lot, but does not account for the sadistic gloating over dead fetuses. The left can be more cleanly described in psychology terms: it is the sociological equivalent of a Cluster B personality. Nearly every aspect of the left's current behavior can be described in terms of those four major disorders, besides perhaps their pro-establishment, pro-corporate bent - which probably only indicates just how mainstream and normalized the behaviors have become. At this point, sanity is the counter-culture. (The ancient philosophers might indicate that has always been the case, but of course some times are better than others.)
Taking the public square to dance around mock baby graves is not a political statement. It is an agitated expression of the psychologically disturbed. It only differs from the schizophrenic mutterings of a sidewalk derelict in that it is aggressive. It is histrionic narcissism in a group setting. They want to upset people, cause outrage. It is the entire goal of the exercise. When others tweet about it and call it "infuriating," they are giving these tortured souls everything they desire, whose cold, tortured souls will warm three degrees knowing they've upset a neurotypical conservative.
There are only two ways to deal with such demented people: kill them or avoid them. We're somewhat limited in the first approach, so the second is our primary strategy. If they absolutely can't be avoided, then ignoring them is the best we can do. Shame is a tempting tactic, but won't be effective against people who get happy thinking about dead babies. The best strategy to employ is the same as we'd use on Cluster B types in our own lives, which is to never get entangled with them in the first place.
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