Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The Actual Darkweb

Heartiste, recently banned from his influential Wordpress blog, has been commenting a bit on Gab. He wonders if we are getting close to a time when online dissident commentary will have to be printed onto physical manuscripts and passed around like medieval contraband. It's too bad that the Intellectual Darkweb chose their particular moniker, because they have virtually removed the term 'darkweb' from practical use in the lexicon. Jordan Peterson sold two million copies of his book and was invited to speak to the Trilateral Commission. Ben Shapiro is syndicated as the token conservative on rabidly left-wing corporate media outfits. Joe Rogan has the biggest podcast on the planet, pulling in Silicon Valley billionaires and Democratic presidential candidates. Is darkweb meant as a joke, or do they really no realize that they are utterly mainstream? Perhaps they've merely outgrown a name that was less untrue some time ago.

There is a darkweb growing that is truly dark, which consists of the people who have actually been deplatformed from mainstream consumption. I've provided links to the actual darkweb homes of those who have been unpersoned by The Cult, or who are at least helping to build the alt social media platforms. This is hardly an exhaustive list of the quality content creators of the actual darkweb, but should be enough to get anyone started who might not be familiar with the alt media platforms and personalities.

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