Pandemonium overtook the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday afternoon and early evening as a Democrat-led effort to rebuke President Donald Trump over his criticisms of socialist lawmakers backfired badly with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi violating the rules of the chamber.When Pelosi raised the motion to condemn Trump as a racist, a Republican Congressman objected because the rules of the House forbid them from calling the president a racist. It was the first instance of a Speaker breaking the House rules in nearly 40 years. Chaos erupted for hours, during which time not only did Pelosi exit the chambers, but so did her replacement, meaning no-one was presiding over the floor. Some are saying that it is unprecedented in the entirety of American history. In short, it was a total disaster.
This all arises because Trump defended Pelosi from attacks by "The Squad" that she is herself racist, and then said in very direct terms that if an immigrant to America professes a hatred for America, they should leave. The layers of this irony onion are tough to peel back:
- That Pelosi - who wast just called a racist by The Squad - took to the podium to denounce Trump for being racist towards The Squad.
- That Trump's comments had nothing to do with race at all.
- That there is more evidence for AOC's claim that Pelosi is racist than for Pelosi's claim that Trump is racist.
- That Trump, by defending Pelosi, was able not to just lay the bait for Pelosi to publicly embrace the usurpers within her own ranks - lest she be associated with Literally Hitler Except Worse (LHEW) - but forced her hand so hard that she made a humiliating spectacle of herself doing so.
When I said several months ago that AOC should call Pelosi a racist in a bid to overthrow her, I mulled over the notion of retracting that opinion, since it seemed like a little much. I'm glad I didn't. It has had a much more immediate payoff than I ever would have expected. They now have the entire media establishment rallying around them, supporting them, praising them as the vanguard in the fight against LHEW. Pelosi, in a rash attempt to regain her status as taking the fight to LHEW (and, no doubt, over eager to prove she is not, in fact a racist, as white liberals and cuckservatives are prone to do) was forced to bestow status to the mutineers. Trump wins because he has not only chopped his major opposition leader at the knees, and got the Democrats to embrace The Squad at a time Pelosi was looking for any way to neutralize them, but he also got them to violate their own rules to pass useless non-legislation to condemn him as racist for comments having nothing to do with race. [To say they do requires some assumption. You must assume that all immigrants are non-white, which is ignorant, or you must assume that all immigrants who hate America are non-white, which is either racist or race-realist - both of which are mortal sins in the morality framework they've created for us.] The Republicans win because they managed to mostly stand behind their leader on this one in the face of intense media pressure to pin the tail on the racist. Even better, public opinions seem unmoved, which means that not only has Republican unity improved, but the media's power to control everyone in Washington by calling them racist has diminished.
It's tempting to say the Democrats lose, but they don't. In the context that their bogeyman Trump wins re-election, sure. But otherwise, what is underway is what we've always predicted. It's the revolt of the browns and blacks against their white masters on the Democrat vote plantations. The party is not so much damaged as the power dynamics have shifted. All evidence indicates that public displays of sheer lunacy do not destroy the Democrat party. All evidence is that they don't even harm the Democrat party. That should be obvious in this post-Kavanaugh environment. Any Democrats who have remained faithful so far won't be fazed by any of this.
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