Jaslow then reportedly held a meeting with her staff during which she cried and apologized for not supporting “diversity” strongly enough.Rather than fight, she slunk away to her staff and cried and apologized for being white. This is the future for white liberals. First, they virtue signal their allegiance to their growing non-white base, so long as they maintain their positions of power and prestige. But once the party base is sufficiently non-white, it demands the higher positions of power for itself because non-whites do not want to be presided over by whites, nor should they. The Democrats brought in the foreigners because their votes bring power. Now those neo-Americans desire to wield that power for themselves.
To really drive the nail home on this theory, just browse her Twitter history. Consider this Tweet of only ten days ago.
This is everything in a nutshell. Michelle Obama claims America belongs just as much to non-Americans as it does to Americans, echoing her husband's infamous quip of "you didn't build that." Jaslow then shared the sentiment of "Our America." Now her career is destroyed because she is racially of the America that was "born here," despite her prostrating herself before the altar of diversity. Whose America is it that you've supported, Allison? It's not Our America, it's Their America. Check yourself.“Our America” - our perpetual work in progress. If your sleeves aren’t rolled up, check yourself. https://t.co/k9ZVYVhi68— Allison Jaslow (@jaslow) July 21, 2019
Will she and her ilk wake up to their own predicament? Largely they will not, but who knows. People have a habit of putting their own interests first. If white liberals start realizing they have no career prospects as Democrats, they will be quietly pulled to the side of Heritage America. The only good news out of all this was that Jaslow deserved to lose her job, and she did. The universe tends to be rational, even if people are not.
Our working conceptual model of the Democrat party is best summed up by Lee Kuan Yew, the founder of Singapore, who said that if a democracy becomes multicultural (which really means multi-ethnic) then the people will tend to vote based on their ethnicity and religion. That is the first half of understanding the Democrat party. The other half is understanding that the white liberals have acquired power by importing voters, but that system was never something that could persist for very long. The more voters they bring in, the more they hasten their own demise. I would mark 2016 as the year in which Yew's prediction came true for America. The conversion of the major parties to ethnic blocs is not complete, but it is well underway. Before then, most people of both the far left and right would moan that both parties were really two wings of the same party: the global corporate party. We noted that it didn't really matter who was elected, the same policies were enacted anyway. Then Trump hijacked the Republican party by appealing to (Heritage) Americans and declaring the need to stop the importation of people that both Democrat leaders and capitalists prey upon. Now, the Democrat party is being ethnically cleansed. Nancy Pelosi was called a racist by a freshman dingbat of color and no one defended her, while whites are being purged from unelected positions.
Part of this is why I've held on to my Buttigieg prediction, despite the poll numbers. I have trouble seeing Biden carry through as an old, white, straight male, in a party that despises that particular demographic. I suspect he'll end up ducking out for medical reasons or some similar excuse.
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