Having spent last weekend at the Schlafly / Gateway conference, and this weekend working the long lines of a Trump rally, it's quite clear that Cold Anger has only intensified. The left's descent into madness has only hardened our resolve. As always, there are no former Trump supporters. He slowly gains support. We don't have to recruit them, either. Our strength infuriates the left, and their deranged behavior pushes moderates towards us. That is the power of Cold Anger. "Sit by the river long enough, and the bodies of your enemies will float by." They do so much of the work for us. This circus that the Senate has become, the paid protestors, the fake martyrdom of Corey "Spartacus" Booker, the predictable last-minute sexual assault allegations, this is a gold mine for those of us out trying to help flip Senate seats. There are two likely outcomes: either Kavanaugh is appointed, or his career is destroyed by blatantly false allegations of minor long-past misconduct, and the right is fueled to flip every Senate seat up for grabs. In either case, Cold Anger makes its way onto the Supreme Court, either in the form of Kavanaugh, who must have Cold Anger spilling out of his eyeballs by this point, or in Trump's follow-up nominee. You know how Trump works. He'll make sure the next one is even more right-wing, because that is the proper response to bullying.
People are so irate they can hardly stand it anymore. A call-to-arms is not even necessary at this point. The most important realization I've made in the last couple weeks is the degree to which we're all on the same page. Young & old, old-school conservatives & the newly converted, Christian & secular, Fox News watching & internet sensations...all have a shared understanding of who the enemy is, what the problems are, and - to a large degree - how to fix them. We all know that the leftists are our common enemy, and they must be fought tenaciously on every front, and never given even one inch of ground. The freedom movement is unified. When Stefan Molyneux is giving a Sunday sermon to underscore the moral deficiencies of the left, you can be sure that the differences among us are minor. There is no schism in the movement. The old people are delighted at all the young people getting involved. And the young people are amazed to see that the old-timers are so "woke". There is a lot of excitement right now. People are agitated, and motivated. I highly recommend attending a Trump rally if given the opportunity. (Plan to get in line many hours in advance.) The energy level is simply indescribable. The left's program of lies, slander, and deceit has only served to remind us, again and again, who the real enemies are, and to remind us, again and again, that Trump is leading the fight against them. He exposes the right's prior champions - like the neocons - as the frauds they are. The crowds embrace him not as a popular politician, but a war-time hero.
Understanding Cold Anger gives us a conceptual framework that reveals missteps when they occur. A recent one was the reaction to Nike's endorsement of a political activist. Nike is infected with a disease called liberalism, and the best response we have is to kill the host with Cold Anger. That means never buying another of their products again, encouraging all like-minded acquaintances to do the same, and to subtly humiliate those who continue to wear the brand. That's a powerful behind-the-scenes action that Nike can't counter. Their failing business would send a message to all other companies tempted to pander to the left. Burning Nikes is not Cold Anger. Burning Nikes backfired, because it motivated many leftists to go buy a bunch of Nike products as a show of support. Nike will now be a status symbol of leftist losers, which was largely the intention of the ad campaign to begin with. (To the extent the company was behaving rationally.) Cold Anger means to assume formlessness. Burning Nikes is just virtue signaling, and it gives our enemies something to rally around.
Another example of failing the mindset of Cold Anger was at the Trump rally, where maybe a couple hundred protestors showed up. Cold Anger means ignoring them. Let them tire themselves out for hours, only to be completely drowned out - even standing outside - by the roaring crowd during Trump's speech. That is a recipe for demotivation. There were a couple people who couldn't help but taunt the protestors. One carried an enormous sign that said BLM ARE RACIST THUGS. That destroys the Cold Anger. It gave the protestors something on which to fixate their outrage. The guy holding the sign was just another pathetic loser relishing the attention he could get. He's only hurting us in our objective, which is to win political battles through persuasion and by having the more energized base.
Cold Anger isn't something that fizzles away in an election cycle. It takes a long time to build, and a long time to dissipate. It sustains us to make the long-term efforts needed. We become the sea, relentlessly pounding the shore. Cold Anger is what fuels me to write, month after month, in an unpaid blog. Otherwise, the agitation would become unbearable. The posts help readers handle their own agitation and serve as just one more outlet in building consensus. Cold Anger lets us work quietly towards our goals, while maintaining our sanity to go about our normal lives. Many leftists do not enjoy such a partitioning of concerns and thus their lives are entirely miserable. Cold Anger protects us from the narcissism that plagues the left. We assess reality constantly, and how our opponents deviate from it to the peril of everyone. Fighting back becomes a mission that doesn't leave much time to dwell on me, my career, and whatnot. We are more concerned with our children, and protecting the advanced civilization we inherited so that they might inherit it also.
Psychologically, we are much healthier than our opponents. Less depressive, less neurotic, less self-focused and certainly less self-hating. The freedom movement is full of funny, happy, and intelligent people. The right is not driven by hatred, and we fully embrace the Christian ethos of hating the sin but forgiving the repentant sinner. We love converting them, and we always like hearing transformation stories. We always welcome new people. There is plenty of Cold Anger to go around. So embrace Cold Anger, let it fuel you and unite you with other link-minded patriots. We have an abundance of energy, great friendly people, a worthy mission, and an almost superhuman leader.
Cold Anger explains my utter commitment to not being taken down by the insanity of the herd during the Great Reset.