Thursday, September 27, 2018

American Taqiya

With the circus going on in the Senate, it is easy to become enraged and lose sight of the big picture here. We are all, I imagine, seeing red at this point. This may all work out in our favor, in the long run, but that would be the mindset of optimism, which often leads to disappointment. Let's see where we're at.

We're in a political war, and there are three big battles in front of us: the House, the Senate, and the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court battle is well underway, and it is already half lost. The reality of the situation, that they've managed to drag a crying woman before a national audience, is really hitting home. The nominee is now effectively on trial. This, by the way, is all Senator Grassley's fault. I like him, but this is his fielding error. The time to file the sexual assault allegations was anytime between 36 years ago and the end of the vetting process of the Senate hearings. Feinstein waited until after that time to unleash the allegations. Grassley allowed the process to be derailed, because he is weak. The correct approach is: you never give them an inch. Not ever, not for any reason. They need a sip of water? Have to go pee really, really bad? No, no, no. It's so easy. Just one step. Now, look where we're at.

Liberal accuser: Kavanaugh touched me inappropriately 36 years ago.
Grassley: I'll allow an exception, to show how fair we are, and because I know the process will reveal how absurd the claim is.
** a week passes **
Liberal accuser: Kavanaugh was the ringleader of a band of DC gang rapists in the 1980's!!!

You see how quickly that escalates? You crack the door an inch, and they come barging in. Every. Single. Time. It's easy to understand why Grassley made his decision. As soon as he failed to bend over backwards for the poor abused woman (remember, we assume guilt in these kinds of things), then his name would be drug through the mud for weeks, as a sexist villain, and worse. The thing about this is, with a few exception, no one really believes the woman. No one believes she sat on these allegations for 36 years, while Kavanaugh was nominated to incrementally higher judgeships, and only decided to come clean at the very last possible minute, in a way that just so happens to work out perfectly for Democrats trying every trick in the book to sabotage and delay. No one believes there was a roving rape gang in Maryland that only targeted loony liberals. No one thinks it's believable that none of the other dozens of victims of the alleged rape gang have come forward, or that all witness provided by the accusers have refuted the claims. No one believes her. No one. It's American Taqiya. They are pretending to care about our rules, like rule of law, so they can use them against us. They don't care one iota for abused women, or they wouldn't rally around a clearly fraudulent claim, nor ignore cases with actual evidence, like that of the DNC chairman.

The Supreme Court nomination has been turned into a trial, but not a legal one. There is no presumption of innocence, the burden of proof is not on the prosecution, and there is no requirement to prove the claim beyond the shadow of a reasonable doubt. All they have to do is whip up the media/mob frenzy enough to scare a couple of fence-sitting RINOs, make them fear about the wrath they'll incur from voting YES. The Republicans, who own the committees, have allowed the judiciary committee to degenerate into a lynch mob. The conclusion is yet to be seen. We might still "win" this battle, but it is half lost no matter the outcome. This is the new norm for conservative nominees: utter insanity.

The Supreme Court battle isn't really lost, so long as the Senate is held. PredictIt gives 2/3 odds of holding it. I think we'll actually gain seats. If the Democrats win the Senate, then there will be no more Republican-appointed judges until the next time a Republican Senate and presidency are coincident. To get a real conservative appointed, we need more like 55 seats to be safe, given the RINO predilection to treachery. If the Republicans gain seats - and the Senate circus is only helping us there - then Trump just appoints another nominee in November, even more conservative than the last one. From Trump's perspective, this could turn into a huge win. It would be unfortunate if Kavanaugh had his career and reputation destroyed. Watching him refuse to back down, and realizing how hardened this process will make him, he really is a fantastic candidate at this point. On the other hand, his emotional reaction shows that he and his family really were caught off guard by this. They naively believed that progressives are just people who prefer different approaches to the same end goals we want, instead of what they really are, which is communist insurrectionists. The thing that people like Kavanaugh don't comprehend is that the liberals truly believe that all evil stems from white conservatism, and Trump is the know who. When Trump is Hitler, then fake rape allegations to sabotage a Supreme Court nomination, or fake Russia allegations to trigger an FBI investigation motivated for impeachment, aren't even moral dilemmas. Of course that's what you do, to stop neo-Hitler.

But, this could all turn out OK for us. In some capacity, I wish the communists would torture every federal judge. Nothing like a new justice whose hatred for the radical left oozes out of every pore. But if he gets borked, things will be fine for us so long as we hold the Senate. For better or worse, Trump doesn't mind using people up. He pushes them hard and discards them as needed. He doesn't exactly throw supporters to the wolves, but he demands more loyalty than he gives. Like the left, he is willing to sacrifice a man for the cause. I hope Kavanaugh understood that going in. He is caught between two massive human grinding wheels. I suspect he went in with full faith in the righteousness of the system. God help him.

Of the three big battles, the one that really matters is the Senate. A loss in the Supreme Court could turn into a victory. The Democrats expose themselves as insane liars, and we still get a conservative appointee. A house loss would be painful, but not fatal. A Senate loss would be, to my mind, the demarcation of the end of the republic. The day the mob finally took over the Supreme Court, and got away with it. But, if Republicans can pull a hat trick: hold the House, gain the Senate, and get Kavanaugh or another strong conservative appointed, it's hard to see how the Democrat party could survive such a heavy defeat.

1 comment:

  1. The left have taken off the mask and revealed that they are lizard people. Maybe the old style lunatics had it right? today's modern socialism in the u.s. is collapsing and I expect the left to go even more Insane. they have no bottom
