The major story of the day seems to be about the Kavanaugh committee hearing. It appears that the Democrats are up to their usual tricks. First, they made much ado about "documents". Kavanaugh was a staff secretary to President Bush. The liberals have decided that they must have access to all of Bush's documents to be informed about Kavanaugh as justice. Yes, they are demanding that they get access to some of the most sensitive documents in government, which of course were not written by Kavanaugh, nor do they have any relevance to his judicial record. It's just the same trick that Adam Schiff played when he stuffed his counter-memo with classified material, so that he could cry foul when it was inevitably redacted. They know it's a ludicrous demand, but they need someone to tell them no about something so they can play Oppression Olympics.
The other fabricated outrage was that Kavanaugh refused to shake hands with the father of a school shooting victim. It's technically true, but of course the context is molded to fit the narrative. It was a scripted event where Kavanaugh was harangued immediately as he attempted to depart for recess. He observed the irate stranger for a moment or two (this was after numerous interruptions by paid protestors), turned, and walked off. To those who staged the event - Dianne Feinstein, who invited the protestor, and the media, who were surely cued in to expect it - it was probably the perfect outcome. They got an encounter they can easily frame us Trump's nominee snubbing a victim. A liberal's dream come true! There are those calling Kavanaugh's behavior a faux pax. After all, he could have at least shaken the man's hand, right?
Kavanaugh did exactly the right thing. Liberals love to set traps. They can't win on rationale, of course, so they engage in outrage peddling and gotcha journalism. It seems so easy to shake the man's hand. Why couldn't he even do that!?? Because shaking his hand would have condoned this completely unacceptable behavior. Why should Supreme Court nominees be ambushed by random strangers at their own hearings, at the behest of Democrats already trying to derail the proceedings? And how could Kavanaugh have anything to do with any shooting; past, present, or future? I guess they want to publicly shame him because he isn't likely to overturn the 2nd Amendment. I know we get used to their antics, and it becomes routine, but really just think about how disgraceful this is.
Whenever the liberals set these little traps, you can't really decide whether to win or lose the encounter. They'll do everything they can to make you lose and, because they control the media narrative, will likely succeed. But there is always one choice to be made. There is always the choice of whether or not to adopt their moral framework. Conservatives normally do, so even when they win, we all still lose. What have conservatives actually conserved? Very little. It's what happens when you accept the liberal premise and just bicker over implementation details.
Instead of caving in to the pressure and indulging a man who was breaking all standards of protocol and decorum, Kavanaugh casually disregarded him, with a hint of disdain. That is exactly the correct response. I'm actually proud of this nominee. We can clearly see why Trump - who's success was in rejecting the liberal moral framework - would have chosen him. His cool rejection conveyed more than any amount of arguing ever could. The goal was to lower his status by showing that he could be disrespected, but Kavanaugh did not take the bait. The media still want to portray it as some victory, and they are making a mistake. There's this expectation that politicians should be politically correct. So they expect Kavanaugh should have shook his hand and put on a smile and pretended to be concerned about his own berating. Well, Kavanaugh isn't a politician. He's a judge. It doesn't matter if he kisses babies or not. The more the video is shown, the more people will see a great demonstration of how to deal with leftist agitation. They'd be best to let it get memory-holed.
In fact, this whole thing is a mistake by the left. They aren't going to change the outcome. Gorsuch was voted on by party lines, except three Democrat senators from deep-red states broke ranks to confirm him. The vote would have been just the same with no hearings at all. The same with this. It's just political theater. The outcome of this will be twofold. First, it broadcasts to the whole nation that the Democrats are desperate losers. That's all this is. Desperation, and losing. After disregarding all pretense of civil behavior, they will still lose the battle. No one wants to side with the desperate losers. Second, it hardens the resolve of the moderate right. Think of the Republican senators sitting through these hearings. Think of Ted Cruz. I always assumed that Cruz would be resentful of how the primaries went and provide problems for Trump. I was wrong; he's 100% MAGA. What choice does he have? Trump's enemies are making a mockery of the justice nomination process. What could be more sacred to a patriotic US Senator than that? He knows his best ally in his fight against these lunatics is Trump, and many other Republicans are realizing it. Think of Kavanaugh. He's getting quite an eye opener - if he wasn't already aware - of how deceitfully and viciously the left treat Trump and anyone associated with him. How could he not, after this, be sympathetic to Trump and spiteful towards the left? We should be glad they're putting on this circus! It's like right-wing boot camp for incoming Supreme Court justices and sitting senators.
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