Friday, September 14, 2018

Hyperbole? Hardly!

This blog sure has made some extreme commentary in the last few days, hasn't it? For example, Book Burners, Coming to a Campus Near You ended on a dire note.
Will [progressives] manage to proceed, like their book-burning forbearers, to inflict unimaginable horrors the moment they are empowered to do so?
Surely I can't seriously believe that today's leftists would engage in the same sorts of crimes as the ideological tyrannies of the 20th century - like the Nazis - can I?

Similarly, the final paragraph of Critical Crazy warned:
If they succeed in regaining power, they will do everything in their power to destroy us before they inevitably destroy themselves.
Surely "destroy" is a mere metaphor for beating us soundly in a fair election, right?

The final note of The Only Cardinal Sin of the Cult is Conservatism sounded like:
They will always work against you, no matter how rational or upstanding you may be, and they will kill you if they are ever empowered to do so. 
Okay, that's three in a week. Surely it must be hyperbole! I must be making grandiose dramatic proclamations to instill fear in my audience.

Well, that's not case. My prognosis is honest, sober (on most nights), and relies on (1) evidence of what has happened before, and (2) evidence of what is happening now. Many would say that suggesting catastrophic future consequences is a slippery slope fallacy. I say that many apply the slippery slope fallacy in a way that is its own fallacy, by assuming that slippery slopes can't exist. Its only a fallacy if there isn't a slippery slope. We could clarify the issue by giving the fallacy a different name. How about, being wrong? But that's probably not a fancy enough phrase for a lot of people. I prefer a slippery slope policy. The policy is, if you see enough people slide down a slippery slope to their doom, stay away from it.

The slippery slope at hand here is communist insurrection. It always works in about 4 steps.
  1. Identity a privileged oppressor class that is maliciously holding back the masses from widespread prosperity.
  2. Leverage the concocted grievances to gain power.
  3. Imprison, murder, and otherwise destroy the oppressing class.
  4. Destroy the host country.
It's that pesky item number four that always gets them. Well, try try again. They'll get it right eventually, I'm sure. As it turns out, there was quite a bit of disagreement between Trotsky and Lenin/Stalin on the matter. Trotsky was all about exporting the revolution globally. Stalin was too, but preferred national socialism because international communism needed a strong host country with which to launch the assault. Trotsky was right. Or, at least, less wrong. You can't have a strong host nation of communism, because communism destroys the host. The communist revolution must happen globally so that no pesky capitalist superpowers can bankrupt you in an arms race. Communism today would have to succeed through some sort of neo-Trotskyites, who would seek to incrementally impose a unipolar socialist system. Neo-Trotskyite really has a better ring than neocon, don't you think? See, we can use fancy sounding phrases too.

Back to the list, we seem to be now at item number 2, scratching on number 3. The deplatforming of conservatives from social media, without even trying to provide evidence of wrongdoing, definitely fits into the "otherwise destroy" department. They have hijacked the justice system to overthrow the elected president, and will imprison him if they ever get half a chance. Dinesh D'Souza was a political prisoner. Manafort is a political prisoner. Yes, they technically committed crimes. The problem is those laws are only enforced for dissidents against the liberal order. If I pluck you out of a crowd of people crossing the street and throw you in jail because you didn't vote for me, you are a political prisoner, even if technically you were jaywalking.

And really the other part, the murder thing, we're pretty much there. Let's see, they shot a GOP Congressman, they critically injured a Senator, one attempted to stab a California candidate while screaming anti-Trump hatred, not to mention the Brazilian candidate who was recently stabbed within an inch of his life by a pinko. BLM-inspired murders of whites and cops basically defined the end of the Obama era. So they're not doing a lot of murdering, yet, but they're trying. It's starts with the fringe lunatics and works its way from there. And they're all crazy at this point. What really is the fringe with them? Look at your facebook feed, if you still have one. They're quite convinced that white conservatives are the one and only force of evil in the word. They've swallowed item number one entirely. They'll support a reign of terror against us, to remove a scourge and save the universe.

Recently, an LGBT student group at a college in London defended Stalin's gulags and proposed that anyone who questioned transgenderism be sent to one for re-education. A lecturer associated with the group had composed a list of academics who were deemed bigots in need of expulsion, by staging fake hate crimes if necessary. The group has been suspended by the student union, but no other action has been mentioned, nor should it be expected. Imagine, if you will, that a group defended what the left imagines to be the right-wing equivalent to their communist dictatorships. (It's always amusing that their bogeyman for right-wing extremism has 'socialist' right in the name, but no matter.) If a group of students, in London, defended concentration camps as humane, and suggested sending their political adversaries to one, there wouldn't be a mere suspension of the group. There would be the expulsion of the individual participants from the college, widespread global media outrage for days and weeks, and probably criminal prosecution by the state since Europeans have no freedom of speech.

Some other headlines (or what should be headlines): A deranged lefty (but I repeat myself) threatened a mass shooting Trump's hotel in DC. Another one threatened to shoot up a MAGA meetup in NYC. In Nevada, a lefty professor (more repeating myself) protested Trump by taking a gun into a bathroom in his college (a gun-free zone), and shooting himself in the arm. Joe Scarborough suggested that Trump is a far graver threat to America than the 9/11 terrorists. This is all from the last few days. Extremist calls for censorship and violence against us are commonplace. They're a daily occurrence. The leftist rise to power has many historical examples by now. There is no reason at all to believe that "this time they won't get violent." They say, "we will get violent." And they actually are, getting violent. It's as clear as can be.

1 comment:

  1. The left has no bottom there's no low that they won't go. I thought that the end to Mark to market rules for the banks was pretty low then they bailed out the banks and prevented any banksters from going to jail for fraud and according to Catherine austin Fitts who has an investment brokerage firm since she has revealed that they have printed 21 trillion dollars out of thin air that cannot be found the government has now changed the rules and the banks corporations and the government can now Cook the books and I believe she said that she has shut down her investment brokerage firm because now all of the data cannot be trusted going forward. Margaret Thatcher said once socialism is all well and good until you run out of other people's money how long can the left perpetrate their crimes when they're broke and starving. of course looking at history probably a lot longer than people think.
