Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Peering Into the Abyss

Since this blog is set to expire soon, I might as well confess that the wordy blog title doesn't really mean anything. When I started the blog I had no good title in mind, but I got a kick out of the endless hysteria surrounding politics, so I made the blog name a pun of "comical emergency." As we spend a lot of time here prattling petty politics, it seems the title isn't relevant any more. My apologies to anyone who ever had to type out "" more than once, although "" is only a moderate improvement in that regard.

The subtitle "Peering Into the Abyss" was a more recent addition, maybe in the last year or so. It was a reflection on this blog's increasing focus on the growing irrationality infecting this society. Of course, many others were doing the same, yet it was uncommon enough to allow the subtitle to be something of a branding attempt. A lot of the best blogs, even if they roam around on different topics, tend to have a home domain of discussion they specialize in. This blog has tried to make some sense of the nonsense.

I don't think you'd brand a blog the same way today. Left-wing irrationality has gone mainstream. You know, it can be a little muddy what we mean when we say liberal, or progressive, or leftist, etc, but everyone here understands what The Cult means. I used to link some of my posts on my personal facebook account - I hardly bother these days - and, when I did, I was careful to avoid sharing posts that included "The Cult" or similar verbiage because it seemed like it would come off a little kooky to those who weren't regular readers. That has changed. These days I suspect that if you went up to anyone with a hint of red-blooded American in them and said, "liberalism is a cult," the likely response would be some variation of "it sure the hell is."

Things are changing fast. Consider that it's only been twenty or twenty-five years since the internet became a mass-consumed product, and only a bit longer since Reagan repealed the Fairness Doctrine and unleashed conservative talk radio. Since then it's been a slow and gradual awakening, until so recently. Isn't that they way systemic changes happen? Slowly, and then all at once.

It's worth examining, as a brief aside, why talk radio and the internet would tend to empower conservative awakening. As is so common, Moldbug discussed it over a decade ago. Alternative outlets are conservative because mainstream outlets are progressive. After decades of progressive propaganda parading as education and an independent press, why would anyone go out of their way to listen to liberal talk radio, or read a liberal blog? What could they possibly learn there? They might go to get their two minutes of hate, but there's no need when the corporate news and late-night clowns do such a marvelous job already. The alternative media is inherently conservative because the liberals have taken over everything mainstream. Look at how the social media corporations are reacting now. They're not even pretending that it's anything but a political takeover of the newly mainstream outlets. Look at the major alternatives like Gab, Voat, and Bitchute. They're very right-wing, for the obvious reason. Right-wingers didn't just disappear when they were kicked off the normie sites.

Look at the phrase "Alt-Right". Alternative right. Most have backed away from the term as it became associated with the fringe right. But really all it meant was an alternative to what was the mainstream right. Namely, neocons, another word for liberals. Alternative right meant actually conservative, not a neocon. The label has been soiled, but it's hardly needed these days anyway, as we've become the mainstream conservatives.

Moldbug said in that article, "I have never heard any conservative suggest that the American political system is fundamentally and incurably anticonservative." Well, plenty are suggesting it now. That's the "abyss", really. That the American political system is fundamentally and incurably anticonservative. A lot of people are starting to peer into that abyss. It's becoming common talk. The reaction to the pure insanity from the left in the Senate has been twofold. There is the agitated and energetic reaction - excitement that the left has played itself and is likely to be soundly defeated in November. But there is another, more somber reaction. That the gains will be only temporary. That we're truly at war. That the long-term prognosis is fatal, not just because the left controls the cultural and educational institutions, but because they control the demographic trends, and they will always find a way to do so in a democracy. It's the only way they can survive. The emotional reactions of Kavanaugh and Senator Graham that we saw last week were not mere political theater. They were the realization that the left is actually evil, that they are communists who will stop at nothing to destroy us and take power over us.

Let's really consider where we're at with Trump, whom we're very lucky to have. The foreign policy is still imperialist. The national debt still grows at Obama-era rates. The media sets the national discourse with nonstop hysteria. Violence and threats against conservatives are routine. Anti-white racism is rampant in liberal media. Higher education is churning out antisocial political radicals. There is still an ongoing coup attempt on the president for his opponent's crimes. The mob has overrun the Senate, and possibly the Supreme Court. And this is the Golden Era! The Trump years! Think of what happens when we don't own the House, Senate, White House, and Supreme Court. When Lindsay Graham said he hopes they don't get power, he means it. And if Lindsey Graham is woke, a lot of people are woke. We're all peering into the abyss now.


  1. I love it fiat currency is collapsing and fractional Reserve banking is collapsing and the left want to take possession of the house as it's burning to the ground never interrupt your enemies When they're in the process of destroying themselves

    1. Is it collapsing? I keep thinking it will, but it seems strong right now, at least. There are a couple people out there very happy that they didn't listen to my advice after the election. I was sure the Fed would jack up the rates to derail the economy as a political lever against Trump.
