Friday, October 19, 2018

Constitution of Knowledge: A Critique

I'm trying something new for an article review. Rather than marking it up with blue text, as I sometimes do, I made a video reading and commenting on it. It's my first attempt at something like this, so there are some production miscues, such as the text not lining up properly on the top. But there's no way I'm going to go back and redo it all at this point. The video is long, at nearly two hours. I'd be interested in hearing if people prefer reading or listening to these things, or if anyone really wants to sit through such a long article review.

If anyone thinks I've blown my cover with this, the blog has never truly been anonymous anyway, as I link to it from my personal social media. Plus, there are other people out there brave enough to match their face with their opinions. We should be as well, whatever the consequences.

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