Monday, October 15, 2018

Affirmative Action for Neo Nazis

The left just keeps giving us these delightful gifts. In the news today, a judge dismissed Stormy Daniels's defamation suit against Trump, ordering her to pay all legal fees. So all those anti-Trumpers dumping money into her GoFundMe are paying his lawyers. Very sweet. That is two big wins that Avanatti has delivered for President Trump in, what, two weeks? The speed of time is warped in this new environment and difficult to keep track of. If Avenatti wasn't such a highly emotional tool, you'd almost suspect he was a Trump operative. He's just too good to be true. But for that to be true, he'd have to be one of the greatest actors of all time. No, he is far more likely to be a result of the left's enthusiasm for elevating any dredged-up loser to stardom whose willing to make allegations against their great nemesis.

The even juicier story today is Senator Warren, who seems almost desperate in her quest to put herself at the front of the very short line of Democrat presidential prospects. To her credit, if her goal was merely for a massive media blitz, under the assumption that all press is good press, then it has been quite a success for her. She's been the talk of the day. But at what cost? She's forced the left to either reject her, or to discard several of their cherished battle cries.

The Boston Globe led with the news the Warren hired a DNA expert who determined that she has between 1/32 and 1/512 Indian DNA content. That was actually wrong, but even at that level, what an astonishing play. The middle of that range is 1/128 meaning she is less the 1% Native American by blood. And they claimed that as a victory that Trump was wrong when he said she wasn't Native American! Even in the best case, at 1/32, she's still a generation shy of the 1/16 required by most tribes, which is incredibly lenient in itself. For reference, Barack Obama was 1/2 white. Please, go tell a liberal that Obama was actually a white president and report their reaction in the comments.

But the truth is far more damning than that. The Globe retracted their initial article and amended it to state that the correct ratio was, in fact, between 1/64 to 1/1024, or less than a tenth of a percent. (It is reasonable that the Globe made a common off-by-one error when dealing with these fractions.) Still, Warren has claimed this tiny percentage of a percentage as somehow a moral victory. One calculation estimated that, if Senator Warren's body contains the normal amount of blood, then the amount of correct proportion of Asian / Native American blood is less than half a drop. That is, it is factually correct to state that Senate Warren does not have a drop of Indian blood in her veins. The Globe referred to "family lore" that Warren's great great great grandmother was at least partially Native American. If we take the new middle of the range - 1/256 - then her great great great grandmother contained a little over 10% Indian genetics, but possibly as low as 3%. That is, it would be ridiculous to call Warren's distant ancestor an ethnic minority a century and a half when she was alive. If the ratio is the far-end number of 1/124, then one must go back 8 generations, or about 240 years, which is just about the age of the country. Think about it. In the dark winters of the Revolutionary War a colonial Warren takes a squaw for his wife, and centuries later Elizabeth Warren gets a high-status job at Harvard and makes nearly a million a year off that career, in total. Boy, that is some butterfly effect stuff there.

Warren's Indian heritage is a triviality, an amusement she has leveraged to amass real-world power. She claims vindication because her story is true. It is likely that there was, indeed, family lore of a long-distant relative, and you can vaguely see a resemblance in her younger pictures. But that doesn't count for anything. I have a vague Asian resemblance, and in fact I've been asked several times by Asians if I am half, even when I lived in Japan. It's likely that my Polish ancestors brought some Mongol genes over to the new world. In short, I have about the same claim to ethnic minority status as she has, but I'd never dream of checking that box, except out of willful deceit. She did check that box, many moons ago, to boost her career. Now that she's eyeballing a White House bid, she's in a pickle. She can't deny that she claimed minority status, because it's on the record that she did so for some professional organization, and she'd be under tremendous pressure to release her college applications. She's trying to clear that out early on by claiming victory on the matter, and - like Hillary - she's willing to tear down any plank of progressives that stands between her and power. Here are three.

1. Genetics of Race. No longer can they claim race is a social construct. Not if Warren - who has never lived on an Indian reservation, who is a member of no tribe, nor qualified to be a member of any tribe, nor speaks any of their languages nor practices any or their customs, nor suffers any of their particular hardships - can claim ethnic minority status based on a trace of genetic heritage. Not only is race genetically determined, but DNA experts can determine race to extremely high precision.

2. Non-white Privilege. It really throws the whole claim of white privilege into jeopardy. If the great liberal chief Warren really believes in white privilege, then why was she so desperate to claim minority status during her early legal career? If white privilege were real, wouldn't she seek to hide her long-distant ancestor, and perhaps cover those high cheek bones with some make up.

3. Neo Nazis get Affirmative Action. It hasn't been that long ago since the left were really getting their kicks out of "white supremacists" discussing their genetic testing results which often showed non-European ethnic contributions of less than a percent (here and here). Good news, Neo're all ethnic minorities now! Which means, you can apply for colleges, jobs, and other benefits and get that affirmative actions hiring bump.

The left is now indistinguishable from the small fraction of fringe right-wingers whom they demonize. Both are quibbling over tiny traces of genetic impurity. As we say around here, demands for purity are sure signs of a cult. The difference is that the cult of whiteness is a tiny marginalized subset of the right, whereas the cult of anti-whiteness is the mainstream on the left. They're two sides of the same coin.

1 comment:

  1. You can go ahead and smash the Asian box, but good thing you didn't for college as you have to be among the smartest of Asians to get accepted into college and you're only pretty smart for a white guy. Orientals average 110 IQ, a smart asian would be 30 IQ points from the 110 starting point. If you were that smart, you would have Donald Trump money. That's how it works right?
