The other day there was an article about Elizabeth Warren pledging a trillion dollars to stop "climate racism." The claim - that climate change adversely affects communities of colors - is straight out of the Democrat party's official platform from 2016 and has been previously discussed on this blog. What's new is the specific proposal for an enormous sum of money to address the alleged injustice.
I ran across this article on a far-right news aggregator. Some of the top comments were to the effect of "she's insane." Many point out all the factual flaws in her arguments. She's actually not insane (in this case, at least), but such responses are overly literal and square.
Imagine a similar headline where Elizabeth Warren pledges a trillion dollars to minorities because whites are summoning purple dragons from outer space to eat their inner organs. Would conservatives prattle on about the extreme unlikelihood of purple dragons from outer space, and whether they really would have evolved a taste for human flesh? Apparently so! It's easy to picture Ben Shapiro penning a smarmy op-ed about how ridiculous it is to talk about purple dragons and all his dork followers nodding along in agreement.
But it's all just a transparent bribe for votes, and the number is completely fictional - meant to grab headlines. Her taking a trillion dollars and giving it to non-whites is just the libtarded equivalent of Trump promising to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it. It's not meant to be taken literally. Trump knew that the biggest issue influencing voters that the media wouldn't let them talk about was immigration, so he cornered the market on it, so to speak. On immigration, no one would outflank him to the right. Now Warren wants to corner the market on what she sees as the biggest issue for voters: pandering to minorities and white guilt. Well, Warren is awful square too, because that's exactly what all the other liberals are doing. Note the difference between her approach and that of the incumbent. Trump did his homework and found that immigration was the value buy. It had a big payoff for less investment. His 15 opponents were not buying, so it was cheap. He ran a lean campaign, found the value buys, and sailed into the White House riding a wave of free press on an ocean of liberal tears.
Warren is trying to corner the market in a segment that every one of her opponents is also buying as frantically as possible. She's not shopping for value, but chasing trends. If she really wants to be the analog to Trump, she should look to the liberal equivalent to the Tea Party, which was Occupy Wall Street. Instead, she's scrambling to the SJW left to clench the nomination, and leaving herself exposed for such wild promises in the general.
The major handicap of whites is they are high-trust people in an increasingly low-trust society. They generally assume people are acting in good faith - just misguided in their facts or reasoning - and demand only the vaguest pretense of plausible deniability. That assumption is a critical liability in today's world. We don't live under the principled, limited republic of the Founders; it is an open-air democracy. Votes are bought with lies and bribes. Elizabeth Warren is telling the non-whites - whom her party can't immigrate fast enough - that she will reward their votes by taking money from whites. Whether or not she's lying, or climate change or purple dragons are real, is all totally irrelevant to what is actually happening.
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