Thursday, October 24, 2019

Greta Thunberg Is Behaving Rationally

Aidan Maclear posted yesterday after a lengthy hiatus on the subject of mental illness. The major point was that we can't unequivocally label a seemingly deranged person as psychotic if they are reacting to their circumstances in a reasonably rationale way. Garbage in, garbage out goes the mantra in the data sciences. If the data input is bad, then there is no point in spending time perfecting the algorithm, because the output will be bad in any case. The same for people. We know that depression and anxiety are chronic these days. Nearly 20% of whites are on anti-depressants (source) and the number who medicate in one form or another is of course much higher. Opioid abuse claimed a staggering 70,000 lives last year. There have been 43 so far this year in my county alone. The rates of overdoses and suicides among whites is so high that our average life expectancy is now declining.

Are these people mental? Are their brains faulty? No, the outputs are a consequence of the inputs. Whites have much higher rates of antidepressant use (3X other groups) because they are constantly berated and told they are to blame for all the world's suffering. If they don't believe those accusations (and many don't, but grow weary of them nevertheless) then they still live in a miasma of materialism. They don't attend church and are taught that they were created not in love, but randomness...that their lives are utterly meaningless and that the universe will eventually end by totally annihilating itself and won't leave even a trace of all that existed before. Can we fault someone for becoming depressed or anxious under such indoctrination?

Yesterday, E Michael Jones sat down with Henrik from Red Ice to talk about Greta Thunberg (embedded below). Jones has read the memoir written by Thunberg's mother and has much to say on the matter. Greta was born to a feminist mother - as most Swedish children are - but her's happens to be a famous musician in Sweden, who spent most of her time out tending to her career. Thus little Greta was raised with a largely absent mother in feminist Sweden, where it is accepted and even expected that women not be subjected to the shackles of motherhood. Mothers are not so necessary anyway as the state raises children.

Part of that government-run child rearing includes the most important academic subject in the prog agenda: sex education. Greta was subjected to sex education that featured cartoon depictions of - you could probably guess - white females engaging in intercourse with nonwhite males. This had the effect of unleashing the sexual energy of the ethnically non-Swedish students who believed they had license to the white girls of their host country. Greta became terrified of being sexually assaulted, but of course could not say whom she was afraid of because the society does not permit such things for little Swedish girls.

Around this time, she started to develop a so-called eating disorder. Because she was not eating, her father - also a musician but less successful than her mother - opted to pause his career to stay home and care for his daughter. But that didn't help and her anorexia persisted. With no other choice, the mother was compelled to stay home instead. Greta slowly improved and was able to eat small meals prepared by her mother, which then took over two hours to eat. In effect, the unhappy child of the feminist utopia went on strike to force her mother back into the kitchen. And she won.

Greta is now the poster child of climate activism. Her technical understanding may be flawed, but the deeper currents of her doomsday rage against her society are very, very real. She can't direct her rage at the real problem: that she was neglected by her parents and left to the state, who in turn invited hordes of foreigners in and trained them to rape her. Lecturing against climate sins is perfectly fine, though, so there her rage is directed.

What part of Greta's behavior has been irrational? She has her mother back, and she's enacting a terrible price on the country that mistreated her. The Swedes will pay dearly for the climate hysteria Greta is leading. (For a sneak preview, millions of Californians are again without power tonight.) Around here, we talk about restoring families and prepping for the inevitable collapse of the current order. Well, Greta restored her own family and is doing more than anyone to hasten the feminist Swedish state towards its collapse. She may be the clown-world version of Joan of Arc.

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