Tonight, the spookiest night of the year, is a good opportunity to talk about the reality of evil. Not everyone likes Halloween. My very Christian neighbors take their kids Trick-or-Treating, but say they don't care for it much. They are uneasy with what seems like an occultist celebration. (Although I suspect the issue is they feel they are supposed to shun the holiday, as proper Christians.) I don't share their concerns. Halloween is the day that little kids go out dressed as adorable ghouls and goblins to earn sweet treats, thus making a mockery out of evil - a force which strives to mock and degrade the good and the righteous. It's nice to see the tables turned from time to time.
Evil inflicts suffering onto two groups of people: the possessed, and the victims of the possessed. If you're walking down the street and a stranger randomly shoots you, both are are victims of evil. You are innocent, but the assailant is not because he has made some sort of compact with evil. It is possible to avoid becoming a victim of the first type, but you can only reduce the odds of becoming a victim of the second type by avoiding the possessed and defending yourself against them. Many will be victimized in an evil society, but also many will be victimized in a weak society.
I think that evil doesn't just seek out weakness, but is fueled by it. Power corrupts, and the weak-willed feel evil rising in situations where they hold the balance of worldly power over others. Priests don't enter the clergy because they see it as a good opportunity to prey on children. They all enter with noble intentions, but over time the position as shepherd of sheep subjects them to evil influences. How do you know if someone should be trusted with children? The standard cannon of this era is to avoid toxic masculinity, which means that masculinity is predatory and devours the innocent. Fortunately, you know that this era happens to be that of Clown World, thus the opposite must be true, and so it is. The strong are more likely to reduce temptations. The soft-spoken schoolteacher with a weak handshake and poor eye contact is the one who naturally raises the suspicions of protective parents.
The possessed become victims by making a compact with evil. Indulging in low impulses without repentance and without a struggle for improvement is the behavior of evil, but the compact is signed by accepting lies. That is not the same as being misled by lies. For instance, the average person is not making some deal with the devil when they accept false scientific constructs like dark matter or new-Darwinism as being true, because it's not reasonable to expect them to know better. But the scientists should know better, and they pretend they don't so that they maintain their worldly positions as the vanguard of the materialist priestly caste. Also, those who passionately defend the technical positions of which they actually know little about, or those who accept as truth the word of authorities who are known to lie in other domains, are partaking in the lie. In the corporate, academic, and political realms, career progression almost always requires the acceptance of a number of lies. The Faustian deal is on full display for all who wish to see.
For a glimpse of evil in action, consider this video from Bombard's Body Language - which is the one that got her banned from YouTube - where she describes the body language behavior of various families standing with then Vice President Joe Biden at a Congressional photo op event. I was not able to find it on any video sharing sites - not even Bitchute - but fortunately she hosts her own site. She shows the pattern that if the father of the family acts submissively, then Biden will become very handsy with the wife & children and will separate the young daughters to touch them throughout the photo session while making creepy comments about them having boyfriends. However, if the man instinctively keeps himself physically placed between his family and the predator, then Biden backs off, acts normal, and the photo session is just the boring routine you'd expect out of a Congressional photo op.
It can take as little as that to defeat a demon. They did not have to outsmart him, act aggressively, or really take on any risk at all. They only had to know that the behavior was wrong, and to be willing to show that they knew it was wrong. Evil recoils from the light like a hand from a hot stove. Most of the men were too afraid or ignorant to counter Biden in any way, but that is weakness - which evil cannot resist. Thus, they and their families were degraded in front of a public audience. Biden is something of a victim here, too, because that video is very politically damaging, which is why it has mostly been scrubbed from the internet. But, in the face of such weakness, he just can't resist the evil urges that swell up from within him, even in front of dozens of cameras and witnesses.
Many of the fathers are probably so naive that they didn't even realize what was happening. They are not accepting the lie, but neither are they protecting their families from becoming victims of the possessed. Some probably realized the behavior was creepy, but did nothing to intercede. They offered their families up as sacrifices to their careers. They are themselves accepting the lie and making their own compact with evil. For evil to cause harm it only needs to exist. But for evil to spread, it must reveal itself. There must be a fair chance for the target to realize they are embracing a falsehood. The lies that permeate our own society are so egregious that there is little chance that anyone accepting them isn't a willing participant. However, if we take a similar set of lies, and place them in a higher trust/naivety culture like Sweden, then the balance changes a bit. The Swedes are almost hardwired to accept the social consensus as truth, thus many are honestly misled. They maintain their innocence but increase their risk of victimhood. Eventually, the reality of their situation will become so apparent that the soul of the Swede must finally decide whether or not to reject the lie. As wickedness becomes increasingly prevalent and brazen, the excuse of making honest mistakes becomes increasingly unbelievable.
Knowing is half the battle. The other half is showing that you know. It can be terrifying to shine a bright light in an increasingly dark world. What other choice do you have? You could accept the lie, or cower from fear. Watch the video again, and try to convince yourself that you want to be the father smiling like a dope while his daughter gets sniffed by Joe Biden.
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