More recently, the news is all about Epstein. Hardly anyone believes the official story that he committed suicide. There is much suspicion that we'll never know what really happened.
In that context, a Google senior engineer turned whistleblower has provided the text documents that contained blacklists used by their censorship algorithms. One is a list of websites there were de-ranked by the search algorithm. While a few were to liberal sites, and a few are just outright amusing, the vast majority were politically conservative sites. This humble blog did not make the cut (must try harder!) but some of our favorites, like The Conservative Treehouse and Amerika are on the list.
This is all irrefutable proof that Google does, in fact, suppress conservative political commentary. The crazy right-wing conspiracy nut wins again! This should be enough ammo for the government to impose enormous fines and begin anti-trust actions. My concern is the same as for the Mueller incident. The crimes will be exposed, nothing will happen, which will give a green light to increased censorship. If crimes are exposed and not punished, then the exposure only emboldens criminals.
More than sites, Google was also blacklisting (as suspected) specific search terms. A screenshot shared on Gab shows that many blacklisted terms were related to the Las Vegas shooting - the largest mass shooting in American history - which targeted a crowd of whites and which the FBI effectively covered up. Nothing came out of their investigation - no motive, no political angle, no accomplices, no evidence such as hotel CCTV photos. (CCTV photos of the El Paso shooting came out immediately). Most on the right assume there was a coverup.
If some prominent conservative had said last week that Google was deliberately aiding a coverup on the largest mass shooting in American history, he'd have been lambasted in the mainstream as an unhinged nut. If he was a member of Congress, his colleagues might even give him the Steve King treatment and help the left demonize him and remove him from all committee spots. And yet, we can see in black and white which searches worried the left-wing propagandists at Google:
- about stephen paddock
- anti-trump stephen paddock
- conspiracy in stephen paddock shooting
Why does Google not want you to know about Stephen Paddock or about his political alliances? Because Google is a political propaganda outfit the likes of which the world has never seen. Why does the mainstream media cover for Google? Because they are part of the same political propaganda machine. Amazingly, Google conspired to suppress interest in conspiracy about the shooting, becoming co-conspirators in the coverup themselves.
Obviously, if you are still using Google for your searches, you are getting Fake Search results. They are scrubbing the results to make sure you don't see anything they don't want you to see, and promoting what they do want you to see. I've been using Duck Duck Go for years. Some say it's not perfect, but it's certainly preferable to the blatant propaganda of Google. Similarly, you should trust nothing you hear in the mainstream media. Assume every claim without evidence is a lie. Assume they're lying even when it isn't in their own best interest to lie. Google stopped using the "Don't Be Evil" slogan once it became evil. Evil means always subverting and always lying.
Update: Google even had the whistleblower "swatted" by lying and saying he was suicidal and a public threat. Basically they abused the closest equivalent to Red Flag laws that we have, at a time where they are pushing for national Red Flag laws. SJWs always lie.
Update: Google even had the whistleblower "swatted" by lying and saying he was suicidal and a public threat. Basically they abused the closest equivalent to Red Flag laws that we have, at a time where they are pushing for national Red Flag laws. SJWs always lie.
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