Thursday, August 1, 2019

Last Gasp of White Resistance

Max Boot, the Neocon who was given free reign by the press to sell the Iraq war to the American public, has gone on the record to express his hatred for white people and President Trump.
A resistance is the reaction of a conquered people to a foreign, occupying army. People like Max Boot not only publicly describe America as a conquered nation, but cheerlead the crushing of the last hopes of national self-determination, by use of demographic invasion coupled with liberal democracy. In effect, Boot is calling for the ethnic cleansing of Americans from America. Maybe he doesn't want us all to die (maybe he does), but certainly he wants us in few enough numbers that we are subjugated to rule by new masters.

The delusion is that he sees himself, and his particular tribe, as our new masters. Max Boot today is Allison Jaslow of about last week. He believes that dividing and destroying America will further empower himself. It's what Brett Stevens called the Fundamental Fallacy - that we can radically transform society without changing the outcomes. Boot falls prey to this fallacy by assuming that America will always be a colossal military superpower that Israel can hijack for its foreign policy goals, just as Jaslow assumed the Democrat party will alway be an organization cheerleading diversity run by white liberals like herself. Boot thinks he can turn America into Mexico and it will still function like America. The Jews play with fire! Do they not see they sit on a tinderbox? How will they survive if they destroy America, their sole protector? They are surrounded by people who despise them. The Arabs understand that America has been hijacked by Zionists, and they hate the Jews all the more because of it. Muslim migrants in Europe are so openly hostile to Jews, out in the open and in broad daylight, that many Jews are fleeing Europe altogether.

That Max Boot would have any audience at all is alarming. The consensus has for several years been, even among the most neocon-friendly of the talking heads, that the Iraq invasion was a mistake because it destabilized the region and unleashed Iran. Even if you support the application of American military power to Zionist goals, which many on the Christian right do, it must be understood that the world is now more dangerous to the state of Israel than it was before. Iran is now poised to become a Middle East superstate, as the majority of the oil rests under the feet of Shia people. Well, for neocons like Boot it's not a problem at all: just invade Iran. Just use the American military as a bulldozer to run over all who stand in the way of the dream of a Greater Israel. The only problem is that the new president has been reluctant to do so. Why do you think Boot condemns Trump so harshly? "Anyone who doesn't go to war for Israel is a racist!" goes the tantrum.

If Trump declared war tomorrow, Boot would suddenly have some nice things to say, for a while at least. But that deep hatred for America would not go away. Why is that? For one, I think they hate America for the same reason a bully hates a weakling. The more the weakling grovels and degrades himself, the more the bully is driven to mete out punishment. The Americans who run the imperial government in Washington have fully prostrated themselves before Jewish demands, thus the Jews have slowly grown to hate Americans.

But there's more than just hatred. For all the talk of the Ashkenazi high IQs, they seem not to be acting very rationally. E Michael Jones, of, believes the Jews lack Logos. That is interesting, because Christian writers like St John equated Jesus with the Greek concept of Logos. The Jews, then, are the people who reject Logos. They do not understand how to limit themselves. They believe they can destroy the Middle East, destroy America, destroy Europe, and emerge as a new Jewish empire headquartered on expansive tracks of Arabia and the Levant. That is quite a gamble. It is more likely, I reckon, that Israel will be destroyed by its own overreach. It's possible that Trump will be seen as the "last gasp" of white resistance. It depends on how things turn out. I remain optimistic. It may also be that Trump will be seen as the hero that ignited the resistance against foreign occupation and reminded Americans of their historical struggles for national self-determination.

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