With gaffe prone Biden still holding a lead, it appears Pete Buttigieg is surging, and is now in a stronger Iowa position than national polls would suggest.We aren't surprised. Styx opined the other day that Buttigieg is the most viable Democrat because he has managed to remain somewhat moderate in a field dominated by unhinged lunacy. Ironically, being officially certified gay gives him license to play the straight man. As an ideal citizen, he doesn't have to engage in the level of racial self-flagellation that whites like Warren and O'Rourke submit themselves to. Biden is also spared to a degree because of his past role as deputy to the first black president. He still polls very well among blacks. His strategy, as the default establishment candidate, is just to hang in there and pick up the superdelegate votes next spring. However, he is not currently on a trajectory to hang in there that long. His gaffes, age, and low IQ are becoming real burdens.
Warren tied with Buttigieg for second in the poll. (Both at 16%, versus Biden at 24%.) I still think she is vulnerable for her past race appropriation, and unhinged Twitter rants after being triggered by Donald Trump. If it becomes a heads-up battle, I suspect any capable opponent should be able to neutralize her.
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