Monday, August 26, 2019

Lowering The Status Of White Liberals

In regards to the G7 summit, Trump tweeted,
The question I was asked most today by fellow World Leaders, who think the USA is doing so well and is stronger than ever before, happens to be, “Mr. President, why does the American media hate your Country so much? Why are they rooting for it to fail?”
I think the president should tweet less frequently, so that little gems like this get more attention. This is an excellent jab the cuts right to the motives of his adversaries. The primary reason people align with The Cult is that it is seen as powerful and status granting. The ambitious seeking academic tenure, a spot in the corporate boardroom, or Hollywood stardom must declare allegiance continuously. Conversely, those who publicly transgress the orthodoxy - and often those who do so privately - are liable to lose their jobs, be banned from social media, or subjected to a virtual lynch mob by the corporate media.

While many align with The Cult as a box that must be checked off to achieve their goals, the largest status boost comes from normal social acceptance by peers. Who are the peers of white liberals? Other white liberals, of course. Ultimately it is the approval of other, high-status whites that they crave. Even when engaging in outright bashing of whites, they are merely adopting the behavior of high-status whites, similar to how fox hunting was once a big craze for the wanna-be aristocrat. It's the same principle described in Staring At Stone, where Christian-hating progs travel to Europe to post selfies with the David, at the Vatican, etc. One couple I'm acquainted with fervently believe the normal drivel about western civ being the source of all evil, yet vacation every year in the old imperial capitals: Rome, Florence, Venice, Paris, London, and Amsterdam all being recent destinations.

Despite Europe being the cradle of all evil, white liberals in America see it as a progressive mecca, a happy place with windmills and carbon taxes where slavery never ever existed. The see the EU as a platform from which liberal virtues can be imposed on a whole continent, and are envious. "We could have such nice things in America," they muse, "if it wasn't full of ignorant rubes." They see themselves as aspiring EU bureaucrats and dream of one day being invited to Davos. To them, the globalist European elite are the highest of the high-status whites they look up to, which is why Trump's tweet hit a nerve. The G7 summit core consists of 6 European heads of state (counting US & Canada), plus Japan, plus EU president Donald Tusk. Trump is using the left's own heroes to depict them as low status for believing the deranged corporate media. If Trump can convince the electorate that he is high status among the European cultural elite, then he will largely neuter the power bloc that opposes him. We should be doing the same in our own marketing, by not treating liberalism as just disagreeable, but as low-status. To defeat the liberals who threaten our world, learn to look down on them and make sure they know it. They hate to be judged, thus derision is a potent weapon we should apply consistently.

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