Saturday, March 30, 2019

Banned From Facebook

This blog has been, for all practical purposes, banned from Facebook. As RT reports (via Audacious Epigone):
“Going forward,” the company announced in a blog post on Wednesday, “while people will still be able to demonstrate pride in their ethnic heritage, we will not tolerate praise or support for white nationalism and separatism.”

White nationalism and white separatism are hazy concepts. Facebook initially considered them in the same category of Basque separatism in Spain, the Zionist movement, or Malcolm X-style black separatism. However, the latest decision seems to place explicitly white movements into a category of their own.
Black nationalism (e.g. BLM)? Allowed.
Latino nationalism (e.g. La Raza)? Allowed.
Jewish nationalism (i.e. Zionism)? Allowed.
White nationalism? Not allowed. White nationalism is racist.
Omni-nationalism (nationalism for everyone)? Not allowed, since that would include white nationalism, which is racist.
Nationalism for every race except whites? That is allowed, and not racist.

This blog is omni-nationalist, and, by extension, verboten on Facebook. As described by Zman in today's post, anyone who believes there should be white countries is now part of an underground resistance. Vying for attention in the public square is hardly an option any more, and probably not worth the cost. Most people actually behave this way already. When I used to share posts from this blog on Facebook, the traffic stats showed a strong conversion rate of clicks, but very few likes - fewer than ten percent of readers left one. People liked reading the articles, but most opted not to leave a public trace of it.

Our energy is best spent in finding ways to increase the cost of enforcement by our cultural occupiers. As far as Facebook is concerned, the best rebuttal is not to argue the new policy on the platform, or challenge it by posting nationalist content, but to quit entirely. It's a dying platform, estimated to have lost a million American users already. The best course of action is to accelerate its death spiral by leaving and never going back. Last I saw, it had already become a platform populated almost entirely by women and liberal males. They can have it.

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