We're often told that the country needs immigrants because they'll do the jobs that Americans - meaning whites - won't do. The reality is that many people refuse to do dirty jobs at the wages 3rd-world immigrants are willing to accept. It's contradictory to pretend to be both pro-immigration and for improving working class wages, but most politicians - of both aisles - do so anyway. Some on the right have quipped that the only job the immigrants are willing to do that most Americans aren't is in voting Democrat. (There's a lot of truth to that.) But, there seems to be a trend in the news of immigrants doing one job that white people are increasingly refusing to do: defending traditional western culture.
Ilhan Omar made waves a while back for calling out the extraordinary influence of the Israeli lobby in Washington. She was loudly condemned and forced to issue an apology. She's in the news again for making similar statements questioning why criticism of Zionist influence is off limits, and again being slurred as anti-Semitic. Not only can you not question Jewish influence, but apparently you also can't question why you can't question it. The incident exposes some bewildering political alignments. Liberals normally jump to the defense of Muslims as a reflex, but not when Israel is challenged! Both parties unite in defense of their AIPAC donors. The only people supporting Omar - besides other Muslims - are the anti-establishment factions of both sides. Far left progressives openly despise Israel, which is a little surprising given that they're normally quite obedient to the corporate media. The alt-right shares Rep. Omar's concerns, with figures such as David Duke expressing admiration for her bravery. The question arises: why is an immigrant the only Congressman willing to call out "allegiance to a foreign country"? And why exactly are we putting forth effort to elect white conservatives to defend our interests when a Somali Democrat is willing to do the job they refuse to do?
In Canada, a similar situations arises. "First nations", as they call the American Indians up there, aren't exactly immigrants, but the dynamic is close enough. A scandal has arisen in which the former Minister of Justice - the daughter of an Indian chief - has blown the whistle on Justin Trudeau for attempting to politically interfere with the administration of justice in her department, and then demoting her when she refused to comply. The Minister demonstrates courage and commitment to duty by her actions. We have to wonder how many of her predecessors weren't so virtuous. Must Canada now depend on its indigenous population to defend western rule of law?
A couple weeks ago, Tim Pool ran a story with the surprising headline, Muslims Threaten to Leave UK Over LGBT Education. (The only people threatened are those dependent on votes from foreigners.) It's a strange situation. Liberals ship in Muslims as a way to import votes, and to demonstrate allegiance to the cult of inclusiveness. But, outside of getting welfare provided by white taxpayers, Muslims pretty much hate liberals even more than we do. Unlike whites - so accustomed to incessant liberal indoctrination - Muslims take firm action against it. When it comes to defending traditional culture, these foreigners do the jobs that whites are no longer willing to do.
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