First Prediction
Almost exactly two years ago, Why Democracies Drift Left predicted that liberals would attempt to open the vote to children under 18.Enfranchisement of felons. They seek to enfranchise the last remaining adults deprived of the vote. They will attempt to enfranchise children if they can, just so long as it appears they will vote liberal.The fundamental policy of leftism is to promise wealth redistribution in exchange for political power. It's true in all political systems, and in a democracy that means buying votes and expanding the electorate to those likely to accept the leftist scheme. That explains why Democrats obsess about immigrants - besides whites and Cubans. It's completely transparent. And now, as predicted, Nancy Pelosi is advocating to enfranchise 16-year-olds. Most amusing is that, while she must put forth great effort to finish sentences these days, she barely even tries to give a rational explanation for the policy. Yeah, we should give kids the vote because they're learning about it. Makes a lot of sense. Her health is failing, maybe we should replace her doctor with a 16-year-old who's learning biology.
The thing is that they don't have to make sense, they just have to be persistent. Try, try again. Hold the vote as many times as necessary to get the desired result, then never hold it again. That's the Racket Ratchet. The rule is that, once the electorate has been expanded, it can never be contracted. Always expanding, liberal democracies are inherently doomed to an electoral heat death.
Second Prediction
Last month, Roll Call of the Absurd made an observation about white Democrats running for national office.
Democrats are now the anti-white party, so any white people vying for power must recite the right prayers early and often.It's been confirmed once, by Bernie Sanders. Now for another. Beto O'Rourke, fresh off a failed Senate run, is now chasing a golden ticket to the White House. When we say the Democrats are losers, we mean it. Talk about failing up! Beto has opted to dutifully follow the script in his campaign announcement, in a display of what Amren categorizes as Ethno-Masochism.
Mr. O’Rourke may have figured out a way to survive in a party dominated by anti-white grievance and minority politics: apologize for being white and agree that whiteness is bad. “The government at all levels is overly represented by white men,” he told Vanity Fair. “That’s part of the problem, and I’m a white man. So if I were to run, I think it’s just so important that those who would comprise my team looked like this country. If I were to run, if I were to win, that my administration looks like this country. It’s the only way I know to meet that challenge.”Confirming what was said in the earlier post from today, Beto considers race-based voting to be "legitimate." Welcome to the new normal, civ-nats.
Mr. O’Rourke added, “But I totally understand people who will make a decision based on the fact that almost every single one of our presidents has been a white man, and they want something different for this country. And I think that’s a very legitimate basis upon which to make a decision.”
It almost feels dirty to watch him submit himself before the humiliation ritual, but it's more than made up for by the fact that lots of morons gave him money, which he effectively burns in his first day. "Yeah, I get it and think it's like, totally cool, man, if people don't vote for me because I'm a just another stupid dumb white guy, or whatever." Well then, prepare to step aside, loser. This guy isn't going anywhere, although it would be nice to see him spar with Trump on national TV.
Step one of running for Democratic nomination while white is an overt display of racial self-hatred. Second is a generous and sustained level of pandering and praise for blacks and browns. Let's see how he did.
The former congressman released his 10-point immigration plan in February. He says we have a lot of illegals in the country because we have made it hard for them to go home. He believes President Trump’s proposed wall will “ensure death,” and that since existing walls have already killed countless people, he would tear them down.I'd say he nailed it! Hilariously, if you read the article, he's gotten lots of flak for not doing enough for minorities, and only appealing to suburban white voters. Tough criticism. I'd advise Mr Beto to double down. If the ethno-masochism isn't making them like you, then you probably just aren't using enough of it.
Mr. O’Rourke wants a pathway to citizenship for all illegals and to give citizenship immediately to illegals who came as minors. He would increase America’s annual visa caps and make it easier to apply for asylum. The plan implies that we would give even more foreign aid to Latin America and end our efforts to curb drug trafficking overseas. He demands that we speak of immigrants only in certain ways: “No more ‘invasions’, ‘animals’, ‘rapists and criminals’, ‘floods’, ‘crisis’ — dehumanizing rhetoric leads to dehumanizing policies. We cannot sacrifice our humanity in the name of security — or we risk losing both.”
In other words, Mr. O’Rourke would sharply increase immigration, create millions of new citizens who would vote Democrat, and bring in more drugs and crime.
The then-Senate candidate wrote an op-ed last August outlining his vision for “criminal justice reform,” complaining that blacks are disproportionately jailed and suspended from school. He said prisons are the “New Jim Crow.” Mr. O’Rourke went on to demand an end to private prisons, the war on drugs, mandatory minimum sentencing for “non-violent drug offenses,” and bail bonds. All this is to help criminals, not keep Americans safer.
The former Texas congressman assumes white officers shoot black men because of racism. He told a black congregation last September: “How can we continue to lose the lives of unarmed black men in the United States of America at the hands of white police officers? That is not justice. That is not us. That can and must change.”
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