Tuesday, March 5, 2019

A Government For the (non-White) People

We did it! Western society finally won a battle against the sodomites. UK public schools have backed off on homosexual indoctrination of schoolchildren after outrage from conservatives Muslims. As Alex Jones describes it, the average UK Muslim is now more commendable than the average Brit. How the great Victorian society has fallen. If you're a Brit, you might almost have to wonder if strict sharia law wouldn't be preferable to the tyranny of the trannies. While one might suspect that liberals are facing an analogous conundrum, they probably aren't. It's already clear that Muslims outrank LGBTs on the victimhood hierarchy. If the left don't like being told they can't normalize their sodomy to children, well, keep flying those "Refugees Welcome" signs to find out how those refugees deal with homosexuals in the communities they control.

The major thing to note is that the government actually responded to the desires of unhappy Muslims. If white conservatives had protested, they likely would have been arrested for hate speech. That's no exaggeration. In England, you can be arrested and jailed for misgendering a transexual. Rejection of gay education could similarly be construed as violence against oppressed people, if the authorities wanted to. Further, any whites that led protests would likely face a virtual lynch mob seeking to dox their addresses and employers to intimidate them and ruin their livelihoods. (Firefox founder Brendan Eich was forced out of his own company for merely making a private donation towards protecting traditional marriage.) The Muslims, of course, are spared all this indecency. British society serves the interests of the non-British.

Last month's Roll Call of the Absurd noted that today whites must dutifully pay homage to blacks and other victim groups if they want even the chance to compete for the Democrat presidential nomination.
During her announcement, [Elizabeth Warren] referred to "people of color" so many times that even some liberals expressed annoyance. Of course, the Democrats are now the anti-white party, so any white people vying for power must recite the right prayers early and often.
Watching these displays promises to be one of the most entertaining aspects of the new political process. Bernie Sanders has announced he will be bringing anti-white activist Shaun King along on campaign events. The only question is whether King will lead Bernie out on a leash.

Former Denver governor and self styled "extreme moderate" John Hickenlooper announced his candidacy. His victimization angle?  “As a skinny kid with Coke-bottle glasses and a funny last name, I’ve stood up to my fair share of bullies.” Yeah, this dweeb is going to take on Trump. He clearly doesn't even understand the reality of his own party.

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