Monday, March 25, 2019

The Mueller Retort

There's not much to say about the recent news on the Mueller report. Just as all evidence indicated, the theory that Trump somehow collaborated with Russians to steal the election from the establishment candidate is a complete work of fiction. Normally we're more interested in the media response, but that is all predictable as well: lots of denial and scrambling to memoryhole the entire fiasco. The left will be onto the next fabricated crisis within the next few weeks, no doubt. Any overtures to self-awareness should be taken with skepticism. Remember, after Trump's election, The New York Times ran an apology for their terrible reporting and promised to do better and stop running fake news. (Update: they didn't.) But, it's mostly a moot point anyway: the doubling down by the media has been even stronger than I would have predicted. Here are some headlines that come up currently, as I'm writing this, on the Google News feed.
  • NPR - Mueller Report and Barr Letter Means Impeachment Less Likely [still on the table, of course! Major points: Trump not exonerated, a short-term win for Trump, investigation not over, etc.]
  • Deutche Welle - Opinion: Mueller report gives no respite for Donald Trump
  • The Hill - [opinion piece which says the major takeaway is Russia did interfere in the election]
  • LA Times - No, Mueller’s report is not a ‘total exoneration’ for Trump 
  • Washington Monthly - Barr’s Letter Raises More Questions Than It Answers
  • New York Times - Trump’s Shamelessness Was Outside Mueller’s Jurisdiction
  • Bloomberg - After Mueller, What’s the Political Fallout? [Answer: Investigations will - and should! - go on.]
  • Washington Monthly - William Barr’s Whitewash Cannot Stand
  • The Hill - Dem rep on collusion: 'Impossible' to 'write it off completely' just going off Barr summary
  • Washington Post - Trump won with illicit help. He abused his power. His AG is blocking a full reckoning.
  • Slate - William Barr Can’t Exonerate Donald Trump
  • Bloomberg - Former Prosecutor Questions AG Barr's Decision on Mueller Report
  • New Yorker - On the Mueller Investigation, the Barr Letter Is Not Enough
  • ABC - Russian lawmaker cheers findings of Mueller's report
  • Salon - What's behind Bill Barr's whitewash? We need to see the full Mueller report to know for sure
And on and on. If reality cured delusion, we wouldn't be here, now two years on. So the media response isn't actually that interesting, except perhaps as a case study of mass psychosis. More interesting will be Trump's response to the failed coup. In healthy nations, traitors hang. A number of high mutineers should be publicly executed. Those include Comey, McCabe, Brennan, and Lynch - among others - for their roles in overseeing the subversion of democracy, as well as people like Adam Schiff for constantly leaking classified information and lying about the proceeding of Congress in order to move along the unlawful overthrow of the elected government. A more likely scenario is that we'll see someone like McCabe sentenced to 20 years and serve 5. That would not be any sort of deterrent to future coup attempts. The even more likely scenario is that no one will be punished.

Public execution would be the best outcome, but 20 year prison sentences would suffice, given the ages of most of the culprits. The media would cry foul at such retribution, calling it an abuse of power and a sure beginning to a cycle of political turmoil, but they always lie. In fact, swift enforcement of US sedition and treason laws is the only way to stop a descent into lawless by our elites and the left. They are only compelled by greed and only restrained by fear. Reason does not work, nor logic, nor evidence, nor anything else. Only heavy-handed justice will right a ship-of-state so far off course. It won't happen, of course, and we will only drift further into chaos. Every anti-establishment candidate from here on out will be sabotaged. There is virtually no downside to treachery.

Mike Pence called it a great day for America. He couldn't be more wrong. It is a tragic day for America. Our Justice department was weaponized against the democratic system. All that we learned was they couldn't actually charge Trump with a fake crime. But the operation was an astounding success for the deep state. Remember, the whole ordeal came about because leaked Democrat emails revealed wide-ranging scandals and crimes. Will the media now discuss the DNC rigging its own election, or the numerous outlets who illegally colluded with the Clinton campaign, or the evidence of pay-for-play bribery schemes? No, the distraction and misdirection were flawless. The entire scandal was magically turned onto its head as a witchhunt against Trump, whose crime was to offer a platform Americans actually wanted. It won't be a great day for America until heads rest on pikes. Until then, the rule of law has effectively been suspended for a rule of lies.

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